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Simply because it's sole function is to measure wind-speed.

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Q: Why does Anemometer doesn't belong in Precipitation humidity and temperature?
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What does not belong precipitation humidity anemometer temperature?

Anemometer does not belong

What word does not belong with these words precipitation humidity anemometer temperature and why?

Anemometer. An anemometer is a machine that measures wind speed the other words do not relate to a machine but describe weather factors

Why does anemometer doesn't belong with precipation humidity and temperature?

Anemometers measure wind speed

Which instrument does not belong in this group anemometer barometer thermometer and seismograph?

It is Seismograph!.!

Which instrument does not belong and why. Anemometer barometer thermometer seismometer?

The seismometer is the 'odd one out'. The other instruments measure factors to do with weather (wind speed, air pressure & temperature) - the seismometer measures movements in the Earth's crust.

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To break back down carbon monoxide in the air trough precipitation. The earth doesn't belong to us...we belong to it. We are but a scratched fraction of a greator design.

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It is to keep away animals or humans from a place they do not belong in.

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Where do sweat glands belong?

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Skin regulates temperature, through perspiration.

If you do not belong to majority of the population were do you belong?

You belong to a minority.