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Populution of California is almost 37,000,000 people and 677,000 people cast one electoral vote. The 53 Representative in the House will change depending on inreasing or deceasing of population. However, 436 seats in US house never change.

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Q: Why does California have 53 US representatives?
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How many representatives does the house of representatives in California have?


How many us representatives does California have in 2000?

We have 53 house representatives.

Which state has the most representatives and how many?

As of 2014, the state of California has the most representatives in the US House. California has 53 representatives.

Congressman in California?

There are 53 congress representatives from California. California is one of the larger states in the US, so it has the most representatives.

How many US House of Representative seats are there for California?

California has 53 US Representatives in the US Congress.

How many delgates does California send to the US House of Represenatives?

California has 53 members in the US House of Representatives.

How many House of Represntatives members does California have?

California has 53 members in the US House of Representatives.

How many seats does California currently have in the House of Representatives?

California currently has 53 members in the US House of Representatives. That number will be adjusted after the 2020 US Census, effective with the 2022 elections.California has 55 representatives

A picture or map of the state with the most us representatives?

California has the most US Representatives, with a total of 53.

Which state has the most us representatives?

The House of Representatives in each state is determined by the US Census which is conducted every 10 years. According to information from the 2010 Census in the United States Texas has the second largest amount of representatives with 36 while California has the most with 53.

How many Reps are from California?

California has 55 electoral votes. There are two Senators and 53 members of the House of Representatives. Representatives are given by population and California has the most.

How many of California's representitives are Republican?

California's 53 US Representatives include 19 Republicans and 34 Democrats.