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Capulet thought that marrying Juliet to Paris would cheer her up and stop her moping about Tybalt.

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Q: Why does Capulet want Juliet to be married in haste?
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Who does Capulet want his daughter to marry?

Capulet wants his daughter, Juliet, to marry Paris, a nobleman and kinsman of the Prince.

What does Juliet ask romeo to give up?

Juliet asks Romeo to give up his name (Montague) and get married with her. If he doesn't want to give it up, then she will gladly give it up (Capulet) for them to get married.

What plans do Capulet and Lady Capulet have for Juliet?

That she is to marry the "gallant and noble" gentlemen Lord Paris, cousin to the Prince of Verona Hope that helped =)

Who does romeo want to be so he will be closer to Juliet?

A capulet

In Romeo and Juliet who does Capulet want Juliet to marry?

Paris was supposed to marry Juliet. Then Capulet learns that romeo was married to Juliet and was Juliets one true love. But The Capulet's don't learn that romeo and Juliet were married until the two are found in the Capulet tomb dead.

What does Paris and Capulet want?

He wants his daughter to be happy with the marriage agreement.

Who did man Capulet want Juliet to marry in tha play Romeo and Juliet?

count Paris

What does Paris want from Capulet and how does Capulet respond?

Paris wants Capulet's permission to marry Juliet. Capulet initially hesitates, suggesting they wait because Juliet is his only daughter. He eventually agrees, setting a date for the wedding.

What was the feud that Romeo and Juliet was based on?

The large "feud" of Romeo and Juliet is each of the families. The Montagues and Capulets never get along and are always fighting. Romeo and Juliet want to get married but they have to have a secretive marriage because it is so outrageous for a Montague to marry a Capulet.

Lady Capulet wants to kill romeo with what?

Lady Capulet does not want to kill Romeo. She is Juliet's mother and does not harbor any intent to harm Romeo in the story of Romeo and Juliet.

What does Juliet tell Romeo not to hold against her?

Juliet doesn't want Romeo to think of her differently because she is a Capulet.

Why did lord Capulet not want Juliet to marry romeo?

Capulet never said he didn't want Juliet to marry Romeo. Nobody ever suggested the idea to him. As we hear in Act 1 Scene 5, Capulet has a pretty high opinion of Romeo as it turns out, and he might have reacted positively to the idea. His attitude was not that he didn't want Juliet to marry Romeo so much as that he really wanted her to marry Paris.