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While today, many Jews don't eat lamb on Passover, the idea came from the original Passover event in Egypt. The Jews were told to slaughter a lamb and leave the blood on the door post as a sign to the Angel of Death not to kill their firstborns (as the plague would hit the Egyptians).

Roasted lamb also has significance because it is one of the sacrifices that was used in the Temple, before it was destroyed. The sacrifice was delivered on Passover, as well as other holidays.

Lamb was an offering of thanks that was eaten by the family that made the offering during Passover. Many Ashkenazi Jews won't eat lamb because we don't have the Temple at this time. Most Sephardim don't have any restrictions on eating lamb during Passover.

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11y ago

It reminds them of how when they were suddenly freed by the Pharaoh (persuaded by Moses) they had to get out massively quickly, and so there wasn't enough time to let the bread rise and that means flat bread

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When the Jews fled slavery in Egypt, they were on the run had to prepare food quickly.

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Q: Why does Jewish people eat fresh food at passover?
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Yes. Dog food is probably chametz on Passover and may not be owned by a Jew on Passover. Most dogs will happily eat Matzo and meat/chicken on Passover.

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Physical cleaning of all surfaces which may have come in contact with leaven food products (Chametz) throughout the year. Kosherizing kitchen appliances, surfaces and utensils if being used on Passover. Disposing of Chametz products or storing them in a secure location if being sold prior to Passover. Preparing traditional Passover foods. And much more.

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There are two options for Passover, you can cook food for your pets or you can purchase kosher for Passover pet food. Please see the related link for a list of approved pet foods.

What do Jewish people not mix in their food?

Meat and dairy.

Can you eat corn during Passover?

Yes you can eat sugar. You cannot eat anything that contains any of the forbidden grains or derivatives of these grains. Most Jewish people look for food labeled "kosher for Passover" so that they are sure that a forbidden food hasn't gotten in there somehow.

What kinds of dog food are kosher for Passover?

Science Diet dog food does not have chumetz (leaven) in it, but it does have kitnyot (legumes). Since the food is created in a factory that is not supervised for Passover, you should buy the food before Passover so even if there is 1/60 chumetz, you are safe.

When something is not fresh what is that called?

Maybe stale or just 'non-fresh' or even 'food that isn't fresh'. For example, this food was stale OR this food isn't fresh OR this is non-fresh food