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Q: Why does John Burke sit in a chair all day from the short story marigolds?
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In the story marigolds John Burke sits in a chair all day because he?

has a mental disability

What does John Burke represent in the short story Marigolds?

John Burke is a symbol of protection since he sits in his rocking chair and seems to be protective. Also, he ran towards the bushes to help since the children where taunting Miss Lottie.

Characters of marigolds the short story?

Lizabeth, her parents, Joey, Miss Lottie, John Burke

In the short story Marigolds who is the narrator speaking to in the line I remember them vividly now as I desperately pass away the time waiting for you who will not come?

John Burke, the "queer-headed" man in the story affiliated with Miss Lottie.

Who are the characters in the short story Marigolds?

The main characters in the short story "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier are Lizabeth, the narrator who reflects on a pivotal experience from her childhood, and Miss Lottie, an elderly woman who grows marigolds in a ramshackle garden. These characters represent different perspectives on poverty, hope, and the loss of innocence.

Is there a round character in Marigolds?

Yes, in the short story "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier, the protagonist Lizabeth is a round character. She undergoes significant internal conflicts and changes throughout the story, showing complexity and development.

What do the marigolds represent for joey in the story marigolds?


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How do you find journey by night by norah Burke short story?

central idea of journey by night?

Who is Norah Burke?

she is an famous short story writer she wrote many books like my brother my brother

What are some similes in the short story marigolds?

Those days run together in my a fresh water-color painting left out in the rain