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Because Be contains more protons and thus has greater nuclear positivity which exerts a stronger attraction for its electrons which requires more energy to remove one of the electrons leading to a higher ionization potential.

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11y ago

Helium has the highest ionization energy, not hydrogen. Helium's ionization energy is due to the fact that it is a noble gas, containing 2 electrons in its first and only energy level, and they are held tightly by the nucleus, so it would take a large amount of energy to remove an electron from a helium atom. Refer to the related links for an illustration of ionization energies.

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13y ago

The first ionization energy of Na is smaller than that of Mg. However, the second ionization energy of Na is larger than that of Mg.

This is because the second ionization energy of metal M is the energy needed to to remove an electron from M+ to form M2+ . In the case of Na, Na+ is already a stable species. To take an electron away from Na+ , the electron has to be taken from one of the inner shells, where the electrostatic force from the nucleus is stronger, and thus it's more difficult. However, in the case of Mg, Mg2+ is the more stable species than Mg+ . Therefore, it takes less energy to remove one electron from Mg+ is easier than from Na+ .

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13y ago

The radius of the nucleus of Lithium is smaller because it has 1 less proton and 1 less neutron.

The overall radius of Lithium is larger due to it's 2s1 electron being in the outer most valence shell, and the inner electrons of the 1s shell shielding against the positive charge of the nucleus.

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12y ago

This is because after Li undergoes on ionization (loses one electron) it then has a noble gas-like electron configuration and is very stable. Be would need to lose 2 electrons in order to obtain a noble-gas electron configuration.

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11y ago

ionization energy of lithum is greater than sodium.Reason is that atomic size of lithum is smaller than,in lithum attraction of nucleus is greater on electrons in valance shell than nucleus of sodium.In other words electrons are more tightly bound by nucleus in lithum than in,more energy is required to remove electron from lithum than sodium and amount of energy required to remove electron is ionization energy.

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10y ago

Simple answer: Because it is a smaller size, it take more energy to remove an electron.

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13y ago

due to increase in atomic number,the ionization energy decreases within a group. therefore hydrogen has grater ionization energy than lithium.

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Ionization energy decrease down the group.So in halogens,Fluorine has highest 1st ionization energy.

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Niobium element has more than one electron to be removed, it will have more than one ionization Energy (IE) 1st ionization energy: 652.1 kJ mol-1,2nd ionization energy: 1381.7 kJ mol-1,3rd ionization energy: 2416 kJ mol-1

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The first level ionization energy oif aluminium is 577,5 kJ/mol.All alkali metals have lower values for the ionization energy.

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Helium (He) has the highest ionization energy.

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What has the greatest first ionization energy Li Be B or C?

It's carbon. The trend for 1st ionization energy is that it increases as you move left-to-right across a period. As you move in that direction across period 2, ionization energy increases, and since carbon is the most to the right, it has the highest 1st I.E.

Why does Be have a much larger second ionization energy than the first?

The energy to remove 1 electron is the first ionization energy. To remove a second electron requires more energy. This is because the electron being removed now has to overcome the +1 positive charge introduced after the 1st electron was removed.

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It is the energy required to remove the 1st electron from the atom

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the 1st ionization energy is 403.03 kJ/mol.. since it's oxidation state is +1, you don't normally take away more than one electron so the 2nd and 3rd ionization energies are much larger and don't usually matter

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The second ionization energy is always greater than the first because once you have pulled off the first electron, you are now trying to remove the second electron from a positively charge ion. Because of the electrostatic attraction between + and -, it is more difficult to pull an electron away from a positively charge ion than a neutral atom.