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beacuse it was tempting for them and piggy did started eating by the pig. Ralp discouraged him to eat it

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Q: Why does Ralph and Piggy go to the pig roast?
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Who suggests Ralph and Piggy should go to the party?

Who suggest Ralph & Piggy should go to the party in Chap.9

Why do Ralph and piggy go to castle rock?

Ralph wants to get Piggy's specs back and Piggy wanted to kill Jack there and then.

4 Who suggests Ralph and Piggy should go to the party?

Piggy Suggests they ( Ralph and himself) go to they party. Quote: pg 163 Piggy stirred the sand under water and did not look at ralph. " P'raps we ought to go too. " Ralph looked at him quickly and Piggy blushed. " I mean- to make sure nothing happens. "

What do Ralph Piggy and Samneric decide about the fire?

They decide to let the fire go out at night and light it again in the morning

What question does Piggy ask Ralph twice at the beginning of ch8?

Piggy asks Ralph if he thinks the beast exists, to which Ralph initially replies it doesn't. Piggy then asks Ralph if he believes in ghosts, suggesting their fears might be irrational and causing unrest among the boys.

Who are the only biguns who have remained with Ralph in Lord of the Flies?

By the time that Ralph and Piggy go to Castle Rock to demand the return of Piggy's stolen glasses the only other biguns who remain loyal to Ralph are the twins Sam and Eric. And then, Jack makes "SamnEric" join his tribe, so they eventually leave Ralph too, leaving only himself and Piggy.

Why does Jack get so angry when Ralph shows he is worried about Piggy in lord of the flies?

dunno man Piggy clings to Ralph he admires him and wants to be friends with him. Ralph has no interest in this and makes fun of Piggy, he tells all the other boys on the island about the nickname piggy. Ralph and all the others are bothered by piggys speeches and outbursts eventually Ralph realizzes that piggy is a good friend

What assignment does Ralph gives piggy instead of allowing him to join the exploration expedition?

He orders piggy to Get the names of every other child in the island.To quote from the book Ralph says... "Now go back, Piggy, and take names. That's your job. So long." To Quote directly from the book, Ralph says... "Now go back, Piggy, and take names. That's you job. So long."

Where did the last piggie go?

Home ;This little piggy went to market,This little piggy stayed at home,This little piggy had roast beef,This little piggy had none.And this little piggy went...Wee wee wee all the way home

How is Piggy different from Ralph?

Ralph admires piggy because piggy has a clear sense of things. He doesn't think about the negatives. And he doesn't think things that will get him scared. He states the truth and lives with it. that is what makes him who he is.

What do Jack and his tribe do to the pig they kill?

Which pig, they kill more than one? One is killed on the day that fire on the mountain is allowed to go out. After the fire is re-lit they cook the pig and hand out the meat. Later on in the book they kill a sow and Jack leaves its guts and its head, mounted on a stick, as an offering to the beast. The carcass of the pig is cooked and the meat shared out during the same feast on the beach, where Simon is later killed. Near the end of the book, when Ralph, Samneric and Piggy go to castle Rock to demand the return of Piggy's glasses Jack and his hunters arrive with the body of another pig. Samneric pass some of its cooked meat to Ralph later that evening.

What was Ralph's reaction when Piggy suggested letting the signal fire go out?

In Chapter 10, Piggy suggests that they let the fire go out at night and relight it every morning because he concludes that the smoke will not be visible at night. At this point, Ralph is frustrated that Jack has started his own tribe. Ralph is also discouraged that only he and Piggy seem intent on keeping the fire going. Upon hearing Piggy's suggestion, Ralph agrees to let the fire go out. However, Ralph thinks it would be ideal to have the fire going all the time. The fire also gives Ralph a sense of security, especially at night: Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in.