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Stradlater is a "BMOC" on a nonstop ego trip. His criticisms of Holden reinforce his own image of himself as the #1 Alpha male in the room.

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Stradlater is nervous after hitting Holden because he realizes he has physically harmed his roommate and friend, which goes against his usual style of being smooth and charming. He also may be concerned about the repercussions of his actions, such as getting in trouble with the school or with Holden's protective older brother.

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Why did it make holden nervous that stradlater was going out with gallagher?

Jane and Holden were best friends; Holden didn't want her to be mistreated or for Stradlater and Jane to have sex.

Why does holden punch stradlater?

Stradlater punched Holden because Holden was hitting him as well. kept calling Stradlater a moron even though he warned Holden to stop many times. ( i also think its a pet peeve or something because in the book, it said "All morons hate it when you call them a moron."[ch. 6])

Who was stradlater?

Stradlater was a senior at Pencey Prep. He was Holden's roommate

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What is the name of Holden Caulfield's roommate?

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Why does Stradlater hit Holden hard enough to make his nose bleed?

Stradlater hits Holden because they get into a physical altercation over a girl they both know, causing Holden's nose to bleed. Stradlater becomes angry and loses his temper during the argument, leading to the physical violence.

What is the significance of stradlater's borrowing Holden's jacket?

When Stradlater borrows Holden's jacket, it symbolizes his exploitation of Holden's possessions without considering his feelings or respecting his boundaries. It reflects Stradlater's selfish nature and lack of regard for Holden as a friend. Additionally, it highlights the power dynamics in their relationship, with Stradlater appearing superior and Holden feeling inferior.

Holden refers to stradlater as unscrupulous what does he mean?

Holden is suggesting that Stradlater lacks moral principles or integrity, indicating that he believes Stradlater is deceitful, dishonest, or unethical in his behavior.

Why does Holden fight Stradlater?

Stradlater went on a date with Jane and Holden got jealous at the thought of what they possibly could have done! Holden also asked Stradlater to ask Jane if she still keeps her kings in the back row, and Holden doesn't think he did.

Why does Stradlater criticize Holden for in catcher of the rye?

Stradlater criticizes Holden for the composition he writes for him, as Holden had written about his own brother Allie's baseball glove and he feels the topic is inappropriate. Holden is very protective of anything related to Allie and he becomes upset and defensive when Stradlater insults his work.

What does stradlater and holden fight over?

Stradlater and Holden fight over Jane Gallagher, a girl whom they both know. Stradlater goes on a date with Jane, which upsets Holden because he has deep feelings for her and doesn't like the idea of Stradlater being with her. This leads to a physical fight between the two characters.

Is either ackley or stradlater also similar to holden?

Both Ackley and Stradlater are similar to Holden in that they are characters from his school who he has mixed feelings about. Ackley is a socially awkward and annoying friend who Holden finds irritating, while Stradlater is a popular and charming roommate who Holden is jealous of. They both serve as examples of the types of people that Holden struggles to connect with.