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He loves his Brother (who is a patriot) but doesn't want to go against his father

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Q: Why does Tim Meeker have difficulty deciding whether to be a Patriot or Loyalist?
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How are patriots better than loyalists?

It is a matter of opinion whether a loyalist is better than a patriot. A loyalist is loyal to the government. A patriot is loyal to the nation. If the government is a good one, a loyalist is a patriot. If the government is not so good, a loyalist supports it anyhow, and disagrees with a patriot who would wish the replace the government for the good of the nation.

Why are loyalist better than patriats?

It is a matter of opinion whether a loyalist is better than a patriot. A loyalist is loyal to the government. A patriot is loyal to the nation. If the government is a good one, a loyalist is a patriot. If the governent is not so good, a loyalist supports it anyhow, and disagrees with a patriot who would wish the replace the government for the good of the nation. why i think patriota are better is because if you think about it patriots are better because loayalist depend on there king to give them everything and we make our own decisions but what if the king made a choice for a loyalist and they didnt like it they cant controll that but we can we are in charge of ourselfs. the end

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