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Tybalt recognizes Romeo, a Montague, at his uncle, Lord Capulet's, party, and believes Romeo intends to insult the Capulet family.

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Tybalt recognizes Romeo at Capulet's feast. The insult Tybalt means is how Romeo shows up at Capulet's feast to, in Tybalt's mind, sneer at and disrespect the Capulets.

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Q: Why does Tybalt call for his sword?
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How does romeo kill Tybalt?

With a sword

How was Tybalt killed?

Romeo stabbed him with a sword.

How did mercutio die?

Tybalt kills him with a sword

Does Tybalt stab anyone with his sword?

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Who kills mercutio in a sword fight?

Juliets cousin, Tybalt

How did romeo kill Tybalt in the drama?

with a sword stupid :P

What does Tybalt do as soon as he enters the scene?

Tybalt becomes angry and confronts Romeo, demanding that he draw his sword so they can fight.

What happens to Tybalt and who is responsible?

he died.. romeos

Why does Tybalt send for his sword during the feast?

Tybalt sends for his rapier, a kind of sword, in Act I Scene 5 so he can have a fight with Romeo. Capulet forbids it, fortunately.

How does mercutio and Tybalt die?

Mercutio and Tybalt were having a brawl, when Tybalt actually thrust his sword into mercutio, causing him to die. Romeo gets revenge for Mercutio, and dukes it out with Tybalt until he finally killed him.

Who gets murdered in Romeo and Juliet?

earlier in the play, romeo crashed a Capulet party. angry, Tybalt swore revenge with a sword fight. Romeo's friend mercutio ends up fighting Tybalt, and romeo attempts to intervene by stepping between them. Tybalt stabs mercutio, despite Romeos attempts to end the fight, and mercutio dies. Romeo and Tybalt then fight, and romeo kills Tybalt, and romeo is banished from Vienna. Merutio, romeo and Tybalt sword fight.

Doing the story Remeo and Juliet how does merutio get killed?

In the play "Romeo and Juliet," Mercutio is killed by Tybalt in a sword fight. Tybalt, seeking revenge, challenges Romeo to a duel. Mercutio steps in to defend Romeo, but Tybalt fatally wounds him under Romeo's arm.