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Because when the particles move faster then you see it expanding.

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Q: Why does a balloon full of air get bigger when put in a hot oven?
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Why do balloon's full of air get bigger when placed in a warm oven?

because the rubber and the air expand .

Will a balloon get bigger with water or air?

With same mass, balloon get bigger with air than water because air is much lighter than water. With same standard volume, balloon get bigger with water than air because air is compressible and it will shrink down little bit from the pressure exerted by balloon wall.

How do you teach a child air existence?

By blowing up a balloon. if you show the kid the balloon when its not blown up then they'll see that it gets bigger when its full of air. If they don't believe that theres air inside then pop it and there will be nothing.

How has the hot air balloon improved?

its gotten bigger

How does air temperature affect the air in a balloon?

The warmer air is, the faster molecules in the air vibrate, so it makes the balloon bigger. But if you were to take that balloon and freeze it, it would shrink to a third of the size.

How do air particles create air pressure inside a balloon?

Because the partials are pudding off the balloon it us making it bigger

When you insert a balloon into a bottle and you pump air into the balloon why the balloon will not fill up the bottle?

Balloon will not fill up the full bottle in this experiment as the air is restricted by the walls of the balloon. Balloon is a solid so the air will take its shape.

The more air you pump into a balloon the greater the circumference of the balloon will be?

Because the air pressure can't go anywhere so it trys to go out by pushing the balloon while it gets bigger it will pop and the air will go out.

When a balloon full of air is cooled its volume will do what?


Is the balloon with 1 liter or 2 liters of air bigger?

Do you think 1 is bigger than 2

What if a balloon is heated what happens to the volume of the air in the balloon if the pressure is constant?

For a balloon that is sealed and not full the volume of air inside the balloon will increase as it is heated. This is not however how hot air balloons work. A hot air balloon is essentially a fixed volume when it is inflated. If the air inside the balloon is heated the air inside becomes less dense so some of the air exits the balloon via the mouth of the balloon. As the air inside the balloon cools it becomes more dense so some air is ingested via the mouth of the balloon to keep it full. With each heating and cooling cycle, the pressure inside the balloon remains constant, the volume of the balloon remains constant but there is this movement of air out of and back into the balloon. P=VT Poop

Why can't you believe what a balloon says?

you believe what a balloon says because its full of air :P