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they change because their shell becomes too small for them when they are growing and becoming larger

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because they grow and will need a bigger shell

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Q: Why does a hermit crab change shells?
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How often does a hermit crab change shells?

When ever a hermit crab grows out of its old shell it finds a new one to call home. There is no set amount of times a hermit crab will change its shells. The hermit crab will only change shells if it has grown to big for its original one. Otherwise, the hermit crab will not change shells. It all depends on the hermit crab's growth rate and size.

What type of crab lives in the shells of other fish?

A crab that lives in the shells of other shell fish is called a hermit crab.

How far can a hermit crab go out?

a hermit crab can go all the way out of its shell to switch shells

How does a Hermit Crab grow?

there skin grows and then they change their shells so make sure you have plenty of shells in different shapes and sizes

What is special about the hermit crab?

They live in the abandoned shells of other creatures, and change them as they grow. The asymmetric size of the hermit crabs claws is remarkable.

How come your hermit crab hasn't changed shells in a week?

It may be happy with the shell is has on. NEVER force a hermit crab out of its shell. but over time it will molt and change to a diffrent shell.

How many shells do you need for a Hermit Crab?

Hermit crabs change shells once and a while so put about maybe 3 or 2 per hermit crab.I have my own hermit crab and i thought this question.But my hermit crabs havent been changing shells a lot.And make sure you use the right size because hermit crabs dont change shells if that shell is to small or to big or have holes in it.Have Fun With Your Hermit crab

How does a hermit crab reproduce?

They probably come out of their shells to do it, but no crab has reproduced in captivity.

Which crab has a soft shell and use other shells as homes?

A hermit crab.

Where does the hermit crab live example under rocks in the water?

A hermit crab lives in the empty shells of other sea creatures. As it grows it moves on to bigger shells.

How does a land hermit crab's belly look like?

If you own a hermit crab, they ALWAYS have to change shells. So, when they change it you will see their 'belly' when they move to shell to shell. Do not try pulling it out of it's shell, that is very rude and cruel

Where should I buy hermit crab shells?

at least 3