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since gamma radiation can penetrate more they are used in kidney scanners

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Q: Why does a kidney scanner use gamma radiation rather than beta or alpha radiation?
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Is alpha radiation a ionization radiation?

Yes, alpha radiation is an ionizing radiation.

Beta radiation used rather than alpha or gamma radiation in this paper thickness equipment?

beta radiation used in this paper thickness equipment because alpha and gamma are very strong radiation which can not be used for paper thickness equipment such as paper are used by every one and it could cause radiation if other nuclear radiation like alpha and gamma are used.

Alpha is it ionizing?

Yes, alpha radiation is an ionizing radiation.

What is the radiation type for alpha?

Alpha (and beta) radiation is "particle radiation" Gamma is electro-magnetic radiation.

Technetium-99m emits only gamma radiation why would this type of radiation be used in diagnostic imaging rather than an isotope that also emits beta or alpha radiation?

Because alpha and beta aren't strong enough to penetrate the skin or something

Is alpha decay the same as alpha radiation?

No. Decay is the process, radiation is the product.

How is alpha radiation detected?

A zinc sulfide scintillator probe is used to detect alpha radiation. The scintillator probe is just sensitive to alpha radiation.

Why is gamma radiation best for looking inside steel structures rather than alpha or beta?

Gamma radiation is best because it is it is very penetrative so therefor is absorbed by the steel whereas beta and alpha radiation aren't penetrative enough so would be stopped by the steel structure.

What are the names of 2 types of ionising radiation?

Alpha and Beta Radiation are types of ionizing radiation. They are both charged particles though Alpha is heavier than the particle Beta.

What does alpha alpha radiation do?

It can be used for smoke detectors

What type of radiation is the least ionizing?

Alpha radiation.

What type of radiation is easiest to shield?

Alpha radiation