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Each speck of the powder has a smaller surface area than the lump of solid, however the total surface area of the powder specks will be greater than that of the solid lump

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Q: Why does a powdered solid have a larger surface area than a solid lump?
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How does the surface area affect the rate of a reaction?

The powdered solid has a greater surface area than the single lump of solid. So the larger the surface area of the solid, the faster the reaction will be. Increasing the surface area of the solid increases the chances of collision taking place between the molecules of reactants, if it is a reaction in liquid or gaseous phase.

Why does powdered iron rust?

Powdered iron rusts more easily because the increased surface area allows for greater exposure to oxygen and moisture, which are the primary causes of rusting. The smaller particles of powdered iron have a larger surface area compared to solid iron, leading to a faster reaction with oxygen and water.

Why use reactant in the powdered form?

A lump of solid has a much lower surface area compared to a powdered catalyst. Since most chemical reactions that are catalysed by solid phase catalysts (heterogeneous catalysts) occur on the catalyst surface more surface area = faster reaction.

Why is the rate of reaction increased when magnesium is powdered rather than in solid form?

Because more surface area is exposed.

Do powdered solid fuels burn better?

Yes, but they can also explode if they become airborne.

What are the advantages of using powdered substances rather than using solid substances?

The advantage is that powdered substances have a much larger surface area than solids. This increased area allows more contact with reactants The speed at which chemicals will react is related to their ability to make contact with reactants. A block of iron will oxidise slowly, as the oxygen can not reach the iron except at the surface. However iron filings will oxidise much quicker because of the increased area available.

What does it mean to increase the surface area of a solid?

increase the surface area of a solid means to increase the area of solid

Why must a substance be in the powder form before dissolving it?

The actual surface area of the substance is larger when it's in powdered form, and as dissolving only happens at the surface area, dissolving a powder is a faster process. It is not an absolute necessity , though. When the substance is not powdered, it will dissolve as well, as the amount you can dissolve is only dependent on the substance involved. However, in powdered form, it will dissolve quicker.

Does a solid dissolves faster when it is ground?

YES!answ2. Dissolution of a solid is a surface phenomenon. Smaller particles have more surface area than larger ones do. So they dissolve faster.

Which has a larger surface area powder or lumps?

A powder has a larger surface area.

How does breaking up solid speeddissolving in liquid?

Breaking up the solid into smaller pieces increases the amount of surface area exposed to the solvent. Because the solvent is acting over a larger surface area, the rate of dissolving increases.

Why does powdered sugar have more surface area?

More than what? The surface area is directly proportional with the dimensions of the particles.