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Fifty thousand ton ships are hollow inside. Fishing weights are not.

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Q: Why does a steel fishing weight sink but a 50000 ton ship can floats?
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Why did they use steel to make the titanic?

because steel floats

Does steel cans float?

no since alunimum floats steel does not

A steel nail but a steel ship floats how can that be?

The steel ship has a lot of air inside. The nail is solid steel.

Why a ball made of steel sinks in water while a boat made of steel easily sails in water?

according to Archemidies principle ,"when a body is dipped in water its weight is reduced , this reduction in weight s eqivalent to the volume of water which replaced by the body." when a steel ball dropped in water the weight of replaced water by the ball is less than weight of the ball , so the ball sinks. But in the same condition the volume of water replaced by the boat is more wieghy in comparision to the weigh of boat , hence it floats. The term for this is Bouyance. It also explains why a Dirigible(Zeppelin) airship floats in the air. The Volume of Dirigible weighs less than the Air it displaces. Believe it or not, the same is true for Steel Ships. What I find hard to fathom is how a Ship full of heavy crude Oil floats?

Why a large log of wood float on water but a steel needle sink?

The water extracted by the wood log while floating is of equal weight of the wood or more. For this reason, the log of wood floats while a steel needle sinks.

Why does a steel ball sink in water but a toy ship made of steel floats?

Density of a steel ball is greater than the den. Of h2o - it sinks similarly den. Of a toy ship is less than the den. Of h2o - it floats

What is reason that a steel ship floats while a steel needle sinks?

The displaces a sufficient amount of water to keep it afloat

How do you calculate steel weight without using steel table book?

How do you calculate steel weight without using steel table book?

Why a ball of steel sinks but boat made of steel floats?

The steel boat has more bouyancy because it is mostley filled with air as with the steel ball it is dence and heavy so it sinks

Can a 3 wheeler float in water?

No. Bicycles are mostly made of steel, which does not float.

Weight of steel?

What is the weight of steel in one meter cube equal 78.5 kN

What is fishing line made of?

Lead for its capability to easily melt to form a hole for the string.