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Arctic wolves need long canine teeth to kill their prey

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Q: Why does an Arctic wolf need long canine teeth?
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Related questions

Why are canine teeth hard to pull?

Your canine teeth are the pointy ones next to your front teeth. You have two on top and two on the bottom. Because they're sharp to help tear the canine's food, they need to have long roots deeply embedded in the jaw bone. That is why it is hard to pull them out. It is sort of painful too'!Pronounced: kay-nine teeth

Why did Saber-Toothed tigers need big teeth?

The Saber-tooth was not a true tiger. It was not really closely related to the tigers of today. Its long canine teeth were used to slice deeply into their prey.

How many teeth do male horses have?

Male horses have 42 permanent teeth (the male has 2 canine teeth that the female does not have)An adult male horse can have between 36 to 44 teeth, This includes 24 cheek teeth,12 incisors, 4 canine teeth, and 4 wolf teeth. However, not all adult male horses have canine teeth and wolf teeth. Likewise, when wolf teeth cause dental problems in a horse, they may need to be surgically removed.A male horse can have up to 44 teeth.

Why don't deer need canine teeth?

Deer don't need those because they are vegetarians, and don't eat meet like canines, therefore not requiring the same kind of teeth. Different teeth apply to different diets!

Do cats need there teeth?

Teeth are generally always strong compared to other bones in the body. Cats' teeth are no exception. As long as the teeth are in good shape, they should be strong.

Why do vampire has canine?

Bad grammar, but vampires have 'fangs', because they need to be able to sink their teeth into their prey. If they're blunt, they wont be able to.

Why do sheeps have no canines?

Only carnivores (meat eating animals) have canines

What kind of teeth does the cougar have?

Because they need different kinds of teeth for different tasks. The big canines to Catch, hold and kill their prey, then two kinds of cutting teeth to divide the meat into bite-sized chunks.

Where are a cat's incisors located?

The teeth are located on both sides of the mouth. Two rows of upper teeth are anchored in maxilla bone of the face. Two rows of lower teeth are anchored in the jaw bones (mandibular bone). Each tooth has a crown, which is the part that can be seen in the mouth, and one or more roots, which are located under the gum line The roots of the teeth are anchored within bone. Cats generally have 26 baby teeth, also referred to as deciduous teeth, and 30 adult or permanent teeth. The permanent teeth include six pairs of sharp incisor teeth, which are in the front of the mouth, surrounded by two pairs of large canine teeth. The premolar teeth are located just behind the canine teeth. The molars sit behind the premolars and are located towards the back of the mouth.

What type of teeth do squirrels have?

Squirrels like nuts. Nuts have hard shells therefore squirrels need strong teeth to open nuts.

Are anteaters teeth sharp?

Anteaters do not need teeth they just use a long sticky tongue to collect the ants.

Do reindeer have top teeth?

Members of the deer family, unlike most mammals, do not have any teeth in the front of the upper jawbone. Replacing the teeth is a resilient pad that makes contact with the lower incisors. Deer have 32 teeth: 8 incisors, 12 premolars, and 12 molars. They usually do not have any canine teeth.