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Butanol is has less polarity than methanol

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Q: Why does butanol heat water more than methanol?
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Why is propanol better than butanol?

You have to look at the molecular bonding of the two and the energy that can be released through bonds broken. Butanol releases a lot more energy when the bonds between the atoms in butanol are broken because there are more bonds to break. There are four carbons in butanol, with atomic formula CH3CH2CH2CH2OH, versus only one carbon in methanol, with formula CH3OH. There is simply more energy in butanol than in methanol. Look up molecular bonding energy for more information and an imperial answer.

Why is tri methyl methanol a weaker acid than methanol?

Trimethyl methanol is another name for t-butanol, so I will refer to it as such to avoid confusion. It's easier to think about this problem in terms of their conjugate bases. Methyl groups are more electron donating than hydrogen atoms. So in t-butoxide, the O- has more electron density than the O- in methoxide. More electron density means the t-butoxide "wants" a proton more. In other words, t-butanol "wants" to keep its proton more than methanol does. This makes t-butanol a weaker acid (with a higher pKa), since the stronger acid is the one that loses its proton more readily.

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Why is methanol more acidic than water?

Methanol is not acidic, it is not dissociable.

Why do race cars use methanol?

methanol has a lower burning point, so an engine running on methanol can make more power with less heat.

Is sodium more soluble than methanol in water?

No. Sodium compounds do have a limit to their solubility in water. Methanol is water soluble in all proportions.

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Why does ammonia dissolve more easily in water than in methanol?

Its otherway around actualy methanol dissove more than ammonia in water because of stronger H bond

Why is methanol more polar than ethanol?

Methane is CH4 or H-CH3 Ethane is CH3-CH3 When compared to H- (in methane), the CH3- (methyl group in ethane) is more electron donating and hence ethane is more basic than methane.

What compound is more polar and soluble in water methane or methanol and why?

Acetonitrile is slightly more polar than methanol. This is due to the presence of the C-N triple bond in acetonitrile (CH3CN).

Is butyl polar or non-polar?

Butanol, being an alcohol, is slightly polar. The C-O-H bonds are responsible for that. O being more electronegative pulls electrons towards itself from C and H atoms. However, it is less polar than methanol or ethanol.

What are the alcohols in which potassium fluoride is soluble?

Potassium fluoride (KF) is soluble in alcohols such as methanol (CH3OH), ethanol (C2H5OH), and isopropanol (C3H7OH). It forms strong hydrogen bonds with the oxygen atoms in the alcohol molecules, allowing for solubility.