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Do you mean why does carbon dioxide diffuse out of the cells into the bloodstream? Diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. Carbon dioxide is present in your body cells at a high concentration because the cells are making it. The process which makes carbon dioxide in cells is respiration. This is the release of energy from food. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration. The carbon dioxide molecules diffuse into the blood because there is a lower concentration in the than in the cells. This is because the blood is always moving, so the carbon dioxide is carried away and does not build up. The difference in concentration between the cells and the blood keeps carbon dioxide diffusing in the correct direction. See:

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16y ago
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7y ago

That is naturally and biologically what occurs: a higher concentration of gas moving into a lower concentration, and in this case being chemically bound to the hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin in the red blood cells preferentially binds three gases : oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitric oxide. It can also bind to carbon monoxide instead of oxygen, which is potentially dangerous.

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9y ago

Carbon dioxide moves into the red blood cells by diffusion because of pressure. Carbon dioxide molecules generally diffuse quickly.

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14y ago

Based on partial pressure rather than requiring a helper protein.

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12y ago

Carbon dioxide diffuses from the tissues down its concentration gradient into the blood.

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12y ago

Since carbon dioxide and oxygen are small hydrophobic molecules, they can easily move into cells through the cell membrane by means of diffusion

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11y ago

it is picked up the the hemoglobin in the RBC and transported to the lungs

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Q: Why does carbon dioxide moves into red blood cells by diffusion rather than by active transport?
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