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Water Molecules are polar molecules. That means that one end of the molecule has a slight positive end and one end has a slight negative end. Then just like a magnet, the positive end poles the negative end connecting the two.

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Water molecules are strongly linked by hydrogen bonds.

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Hydrogen bond

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Hydrogen Bonds

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Q: What gives rise to the cohesiveness of water molecules?
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Describe the biological significance of the cohesiveness of water?

Well, one really big and well known reason is that it allows water to be transported through plants. The sun exaporates water and cohesion allows the water to be sucked up to the leaves from the bottom even with gravity pulling down on it because of the constantly reformed hydrogen bonds.

What property of water gives rise to capillary action?

Cohesion force among the molecules of water allows for capillary action in plants.

What is the tendency of water molecules to stick to molecules of another substance?

The ability of water molecules to stick to one another is due to cohesion. Cohesion is what gives rise to properties such as surface tension.

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The sugar molecules separate and disperse in the water, occupying the spaces between the water molecules. This does not change the volume of the solution, so the level of water does not rise.

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adhesion of water to the wood and cohesion of water molecules

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Why does water vapor rise when liquid water is heated by the sun?

By heating the intermolecular forces are weakened and liquid molecules can escape as a gas.

What process transport the ocean to a cloud?

Evaporation. The heat of the sun causes water to turn into air molecules and rise into the sky. Once they rise and cool off, the water vapor condenses into clouds

What happens to the average kinetic energy of the water molecules in your body when you have a fever?

The average kinetic energy of water molecules goes up. Fevers cause the internal temperature to rise which increases kinetic energies.

Why does the boiling point of water rise if salt is present?

The salt reduces the number of water molecules from escaping the surface into the air. Thus, the water has to be at a higher temperature to be able to push the salt molecules aside and finally reach the surface and evaporate.

What is a scientific term for the ability of water molecules to rise up a very narrow tube?

That's called - 'capillary action'.