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The protons are bound inside the nucleus and are not free. In conductors, the electrons are free to move.

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Q: Why does current generally involve the flow of electrons but not protons?
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Chemical reaction involves protons?

Chemical reactions involve valence electrons and not protons.

Why do you think protons do not anticipate in the chemical bondings?

Protons are found inside the nucleus of an atom and requires very high energy for nuclear reactions. Chemical reactions generally involve the valence electrons.

When an atom has seven protons how many electrons does it have?

Generally an atom has the same number of protons and electrons. Nitrogen has seven protons.

What charges electricity protons or electrons?

electrons. the elcetric current is due to flow of electrons

Do elctraclcurents have as many electrons as protons?

Electrical currents do not consist of protons, although the substance that carries the current does contain protons, the current itself is the movement of electrons through the medium, be it copper or an unlucky bystander.

Do protons travel through an electric circuit at or near the speed of light?

Electricity, this may be electrons in a direct current. In an alternating current the electrons stay where they are and it is only the energy that moves between electrons.

What three things do you need for electric current?

protons,neutrons and electrons

What three things do you need for an electrical current?

protons,neutrons and electrons

What particles of an atom are equal in number?

In neural one, electrons and protons. In ions it may vary

Does a nucleus have the same number of protons and electrons?

The nucleus of an atom contains only protons and neutrons; there are never any electrons in the nucleus. The number of neutrons is generally equal to or greater than the number of protons.

Does a lightning bolt occurs when billions of protons are transferred at the same time?

No. All electrical currents and discharges, including lightning, involve the movement of electrons rather than protons, as electrons are much easier to move.

How can an atom be electrically neutral when its protons change?

Generally an atom contains similar number of electrons and protons. That is why an atom is neutral.