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Whole blood needs to be refrigerated and can be stored safely for as long as 35 days, and red blood cells can be refrigerated for as long as 42 days. Plasma has the longest storage time of one year. These products need to be refrigerated to keep them fresh.

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To prevent it from spoiling and becoming unusable - it's pretty much the same reason why meat should be kept refridgerated. It is a fresh product, so as such it has a very limited shelf life. It's warmed up before it's used on patients.

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Q: Why is the blood at blood banks kept cold?
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How blood is kept in blood banks?

I think its by blood type cause if they mix diff. blood types, it should not be given to a person

How does the Red Cross keep donated blood in a liquid state and stop it from coagulating?

blood is kept in different conditions whole blood is kept in pack with anticoagulant (ACD) at 2 to 8 degrees. While other blood componets like fresh frozen plasma is kept in a very cold environment

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What blood test needs to be kept warm after collection?

There are a lot of them, in fact, some blood tests require the blood be collected in a cold vial, therefore, certain vials are stored in the refrigerator or freezer, depending on the specific requirements.Some need to be stored at room temperature and others immediately frozen and kept frozen until ready for testing.Due to the amount of blood tests available, it would be almost impossible to answer which ones need to be kept cold.

Blood kept at 4 degree temperature must not be traansfused to a patient immediately why?

If you are saying 4C, this is 39+F. Blood that cold will cause a rapid shock to the pateint and may cause the heart to stop (cold).

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Blood banks

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there cold blood there cold blood there cold blood

Who created blood banks?

Charles Richard drew created blood banks

Do you need blood banks?

There are many people who would not be alive if blood banks were not established and on hand to supply the needed donations of blood, and continue to require a new transfusion fairly often; they certainly need blood banks.

What is amphibious cold blood or warm blood?

cold blood

How do blood banks handle a situation with a person that has HIV and with him giving blood?

Blood banks, and the Red Cross which collects blood for blood banks, do not accept blood from people who have HIV, and they also test the blood that they collect in case it has infections that they were not warned about. Every effort is made to keep HIV out of blood that will be used for transfusions.