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Ionization energy is how much energy is needed to remove an electron from the valence shell (the outermost shell). When the atomic radius is smaller, you will need more energy to remove an electron because the pull from the nucleus on the electron is stronger. If the atomic radius is larger, then it will be much easier to remove an electron from the valence shell because there are more layers (shieldings) between the nucleus and valence shell.

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16y ago
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15y ago

The ionization energy is the energy it requires to remove an electron from an atom. As you go across the rows, the number of protons (atomic number) increases which increases the positive charge on the nucleus. That, in turn, holds its electrons closer to the atom making it more difficult to remove an electron.

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12y ago

The first ionization energy increases as you move from left to right across a period on the Periodic Table, but it decreases as you move down a group. This is because with each additional element down a group, you have a new energy level containing electrons. Each additional energy level is farther from the positively charged nucleus and is shielded from the nucleus by the inner electrons. Therefore, it becomes easier to remove the highest energy electron, and the first ionization energy decreases down the group.

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14y ago

it decreases because it'll be easier for the atom to lose its valence electrons the relation is inversely proportional

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How can you determine whether ionization energy is a periodic function of atomic number?

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Ionization energy decreases with the rise of atomic number in a group of periodic table.

Why does the ionization energy tend to decrease from top to bottom within a group?

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As you move down a column (group) in the periodic table, the electronegativity decreases, the ionization energy decreases, the electron affinity decreases, and the atomic radius increases.

What is the trend ionization energy?

From left to right on the periodic table, ionization energy increases. From top to bottom in a column (group) the ionization energy decreases.

Increasing ionization energy Li Cs K?

Ionization energy increase from left to right. Ionization decreases going down a cloumn. Answer= Cs, K, Li

What happens when the nuclear charge increases across a period?

The atomic size decreases (with some exceptions) , the ionization energy , electronegativity and electron affinity also increase from left to right.

What is the correlation of ionization energies to atomic radii for the elements?

In a group the ionization energy decrease when the atomic radius increase; in a period this relation is not generally valid.

What is the Trend in first ionization energy across a period?

As one proceeds down the group 7A elements, the first ionization energy decreases. this means that the outermost electron is more readily removed as we go down a group.

How does the first ionization energy change going down and across the periodic table?

In a group the first ionization energy decrease going down.In a period the first ionization energy increase from left to right.