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This is because the atom's radii is getting smaller so the electrons are getting closer to the nucleus, which means there is a greater attraction on these electrons, causing it to be harder to remove the electrons.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Elements on the right of the chart want to take others atom's electron (not given them up) because they are close to achieving the octet. The means it will require more energy to remove the outer most electron. Elements on the left of the chart would prefer to give up their electrons so it is easy to remove them, requiring less energy (low ionization energy).


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11y ago

The way the Periodic Table is organized, you have metals with just one valance electron on the extreme left of the table, and as you move across the table to the right, you add one more electron with each space you move, not counting the transition state elements which are a complicating factor. The more valance electrons there are, the more you will have to remove in order to satisfy the octet rule and arrive at a stable arrangement of eight electrons in the outer shell. When you remove an electron, the atom in question becomes positively charged, and with each additional electron that you remove, the positive charge becomes larger. And of course, opposite charges attract. So the positively charged ion attracts negatively charged electrons, hence, more energy is needed to remove them.

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13y ago

The nuclear charge Z increases, and unlike electrons in lower shells, electrons in the same shell do not fully screen the nuclear charge from each other.

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14y ago

Why does ionization energy tend to increase as you move across a period?

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9y ago

When we move from left to right, ionization enthalpy increases. this is because of increasing nuclear charge which holds outermost electrons.

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Q: Why does ionization energy increase as you move across a period?
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What happens to the first ionization energy of the elements as a period is crossed?

Moving from left to right across a period, the first ionization energy increases because it becomes increasingly difficult to remove an electron.

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what is the reason for ionization energy across a period

How does the first ionization energy change going down and across the periodic table?

In a group the first ionization energy decrease going down.In a period the first ionization energy increase from left to right.

Ionization energies tend to do what from left to right across a period?

increase from left to right across a period.

What accounts for the general trend in the first ionuization energy of the elements within a period?

As you go from right to left in a period in the periodic table the ionization energy increases. While going from top to bottom in a group in the periodic table the ionization energy decreases .

How does ionization energy of elements in the same period change?

Ionization energy increases as you go across a period, but as you go down a group it decreases.

What is the general trend of ionization energy as you go across the periodic table?

Across a period, first ionization energy increases. However, when going down a group, first ionization energy generally decreases. As you go down a group, atoms hove more total electrons so they don't really care that much about their outermost ones.

Is the pattern in ionization energy always true or generally true?

there is always a decrease in ionization energies down a group, and there is always a general increase across each period. this is always true.

What exceptions are there in the increase of ionization energies across a period?

Boron and Oxygen Family

Which element in the fifth period has the highest ionization energy?

xenon increases from left to right across periods (first ionization energy)

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Phosphorus. Across the period, first ionization energy increases.