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Anytime any electrical charge moves a magnetic field is created. It does not matter if the moving charge is in a wire or in a vacuum. It does not matter if it is a single wire or a coil of wire. As soon as a charge moves a magnetic field is created.

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Q: Why does moving electrons In a wire or coil create magnetic field especially that circular one around a single wire And is there magnetic field if we could shoot electrons as beam like in CRT?
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Can direct current produce magnetic flux?

Moving electrons always have a magnetic field around them

Do electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom in perfect circular orbits?

i believe they revolve around in more of a oval shape. not perfectly circular.

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In circular orbit around the nucleus.

What Created around a conductor when electrons flow through that conductor?

Whenever a charge passes through a conductor, a magnetic field is produced. Hence, whenever a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic filed, it will experience a force whose direction is determined by Fleming's left hand rule.

What does a turbine spin around to make electrons flow in a wire?

Not around... moving THROUGH a magnetic field forces electrons to flow through a wire.

What is the Field due current flow through a conductor?

Circular magnetic field will create around the conductor.

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Electrons produce a magnetic force that holds earth together and trees

What causes a magnetic field to be set up around a wire?

Passing an electric current through a wire will produce an external magnetic field. This is because the electrons have spin and this spin is what produces the field. Spinning electrons (of certain characteristics) also produce the magnetic field of permanent magnets. And no spinning electrons, no magnetic field.

Why do materials have magnetic properties too weak to be detected?

Because the intrinsic magnetic field generated by the spin of the electrons around the nucleus is negligible...

Does Magnetic forces act when electrons move?

Yes. To be more accurate, a magnetic field is caused whenever there are moving electrical charges. Even the magnetic field in a permanent magnet are caused by more electrons moving around their atoms in one direction, than in the other.Yes. To be more accurate, a magnetic field is caused whenever there are moving electrical charges. Even the magnetic field in a permanent magnet are caused by more electrons moving around their atoms in one direction, than in the other.Yes. To be more accurate, a magnetic field is caused whenever there are moving electrical charges. Even the magnetic field in a permanent magnet are caused by more electrons moving around their atoms in one direction, than in the other.Yes. To be more accurate, a magnetic field is caused whenever there are moving electrical charges. Even the magnetic field in a permanent magnet are caused by more electrons moving around their atoms in one direction, than in the other.

What creates a magnetic charge within an atom?

The electron spin, and the electrons' revolution around the nucleus.