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10 inches of play, holy crap! Park it! Don't drive that vehicle another 10 feet. Contact a trusted mechanic for a diagnoses before you hurt somebody.

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Q: Why does my steeering wheel have 10 inches of play?
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If the diameter of a wheel on Joshua's bike is 20 inches then what is the radius of the wheel?

The radius will be half the diameter which is 20/2 = 10 inches

How many inches away from the steering wheel should Chest be?

10 inches

How far away from the steering wheel should you be?

10 inches

What is the radius of a 20 inch wheel?

20 inches will be the 'diameter' so the 'radius' will be 10 inches.

Do the contestants on Wheel of Fortune play on there knees?

No they stand behind a counter or podium, Pat Sajak is not that short at 5 foot 10 1/2 inches

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You should be 10 inches... For safety reason.

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The outer radius is 20/2 = 10 inches

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What tire size is 255x75x17 converted into inches?

10x75x17 10 inches wide (= 255 mm) 75% profile 17 inch wheel diameter

How many inches should your chest be from the wheel?

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, for safety in the event of an accident, you should adjust the seat of your vehicle so that your chest is 10-12 inches away from your airbag and steering wheel.

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