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Mainly, the sugar replaces the sugars the plant normally would be producing in either the high light environment of the greenhouse or out of doors. Even though the stem and leaves are probably still producing sugars indoors, the low light is not suitable for normal photosynthesis.

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16y ago

All parts of a plant need sugar to live because it provides energy. Now when you cut a flower, you usually keep some of the stem with it. The stem and some parts of the flower, in addition to leaves, do absorb the sun's energy and make sucrose,which can then be transported to other areas of the plant. Adding sugar to the water in which you place the flowers will not have any positive effect on the life of the flower. This is because roots (or in this case the base of the stem) only absorb salts and water, which are then transported to the rest of the plant. They do not absorb sugars. In your house you have some pipes which transport hot water and others that transport cold water. Pipes in your home are equivalent to "conducting vessels" in a plant. Plants have conducting vessels which transport water and salts, and other vessels which transport sugars. In fact, adding sugar could be detrimental to flowers because it will make it harder for the flowers to absorb water and they will wilt. This effect becomes stronger as you raise the concentration of the sugar in the water. This could be a good science experiment. If you try placing cut flowers in different concentrations of sugar from very low to high you can then time how long it will take for the flowers to die. Incidentally, florists do not use sugar to keep flowers in good condition. They use a mixture of salts, which are sometimes given to you when you buy cut flowers. : The sugar placed in the vase solution is used by cut flowers for energy as a substitute for the sugars normally produced by photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in cut flowers is minimal because of the low light levels in our homes and because many of the leaves are often removed. Cut flowers can absorb the sugar solution through their xylem because the base of the stem has been cut open. This is different from the normal situation where the stem is attached to the roots, and roots absorb all the water. Not all cut flowers may benefit from sugar and may be injured if the sugar concentration is too high. Use of sugar is highly recommended for cut roses and snapdragons. Flower preservatives that dissolve in water consist of sugar and a compound(s) that acts as an acidifying agent and biocide, such as 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate. A biocide kills microbes so they don't clog the xylem and prevent water uptake by the stem. The acidfying action increases water flow through the stem. Using a floral preservative can double or triple vase life of some cut flowers All parts of a plant need sugar to live because it provides energy. Now when you cut a flower, you usually keep some of the stem with it. The stem and some parts of the flower, in addition to leaves, do absorb the sun's energy and make sucrose,which can then be transported to other areas of the plant. Adding sugar to the water in which you place the flowers will not have any positive effect on the life of the flower. This is because roots (or in this case the base of the stem) only absorb salts and water, which are then transported to the rest of the plant. They do not absorb sugars. In your house you have some pipes which transport hot water and others that transport cold water. Pipes in your home are equivalent to "conducting vessels" in a plant. Plants have conducting vessels which transport water and salts, and other vessels which transport sugars. In fact, adding sugar could be detrimental to flowers because it will make it harder for the flowers to absorb water and they will wilt. This effect becomes stronger as you raise the concentration of the sugar in the water. This could be a good science experiment. If you try placing cut flowers in different concentrations of sugar from very low to high you can then time how long it will take for the flowers to die. Incidentally, florists do not use sugar to keep flowers in good condition. They use a mixture of salts, which are sometimes given to you when you buy cut flowers. : The sugar placed in the vase solution is used by cut flowers for energy as a substitute for the sugars normally produced by photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in cut flowers is minimal because of the low light levels in our homes and because many of the leaves are often removed. Cut flowers can absorb the sugar solution through their xylem because the base of the stem has been cut open. This is different from the normal situation where the stem is attached to the roots, and roots absorb all the water. Not all cut flowers may benefit from sugar and may be injured if the sugar concentration is too high. Use of sugar is highly recommended for cut roses and snapdragons. Flower preservatives that dissolve in water consist of sugar and a compound(s) that acts as an acidifying agent and biocide, such as 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate. A biocide kills microbes so they don't clog the xylem and prevent water uptake by the stem. The acidfying action increases water flow through the stem. Using a floral preservative can double or triple vase life of some cut flowers

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13y ago

well it depends actually because of its measuring you just add sugar and water to the flower and you have to put both of them in the sunlight to see how they grow, mind you that one of the other plants CAN NOT have sugar in it, so simply you can see if the sugar is helping the plant.

There are several nutrient solutions available for cut flowers. They all contain nutrients and most contain an added antifungal for added life. Change your water solution every three days to extend the life of the arrangement.

Actually, it doesn't. The sugar doesn't prolong their life, it just makes the flowers bloom more widely, but it actually shortens their life span. Just use plain store bought water, or you can add food coloring to change the colors. Either makes no difference.

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13y ago

yes, or you can try 7-up or Sprite, also try cauterizing the bottom of the stems which you have cut on a deep 20 degree angle with a candle for 10 seconds on each stem end. This prevents the sap from seeping out and decreases the amount of bacteria your water will accumulate. Also add one or two drops of bleach to the water and change water/add bleach, re cut, cauterize every couple of days. You should have gorgeous roses for at least 10 days if you follow directions carefully!! good luck!

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14y ago

Sugar helps flowers because flowers make a form of sugar called glucose that they feed themselves with and by giving them sugar, they don't have to work in order to make the sugar themselves.

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15y ago

yes in fact it does because it gives it nutrients for the growth and roots. Another is lemon juice.

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13y ago

the answer is no plus that dont make sense

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Q: Does sugar prolong a life of a cut flower?
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Can you use vinegar to prolong the life of a flower?

Yes, vinegar can be used to prolong the life of a cut flower. Sugar, copper pennies, and aspirin can also be added to the water to help prolong the life of a cut flower. Sugar is the best treatment.

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it provides the cut flower energy it would other wise get from the leaves

Does sugar prolong the life of the cut flowers?

Yes, the sugar will help the flower survive, or pour some clear lemonade into the vase that will also help the life of flowers, this is a trick of the flower trade.

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yes sugar does anybody know if there are any household products that will prolong the life of cut flowers and if so how does it work? multiple answers if possible please!!

What are the supplies needed to do the project does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers?

you hav e to get

Does sugar affect the life of a cut flower?

Yes it does

What website would you go on to find does sugar prolong with the life of cut flowers?

Try the link below. The research is very good.

Does vinegar prolong the life of cut flowers?

Use 2 table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with 1 tea spoon of sugar for each quart of water. Flowers will not tolerate a strong solution of vinegar

What does 7-up do to cut flowers?

Adding 7-Up to the water in a vase of cut flowers is said to prolong the life of cut flowers. The lemon/lime juice in 7-Up lowers the pH level in the water, and cut flowers like a lower pH. Next, the sugar in 7-Up provides a food source for the cut flowers.

What makes cut flowers live the longest?

just put some sugar in water with the cut flower or put Aspirin in it

Does 7up prolong the life of cut flowers?

Yes. The lemon/lime juice in 7UP reduces the pH level in the water, and the sugar in 7UP provides nutrients for the cut flowers. Basically, any lemon/lime soda will do the trick. It doesn't matter if the soda is fresh or flat since carbonation is not a factor.

What is the effect of bleach on a cut flower?

if you add a drop of bleach to the water in which you place freshly cut flowers along with a bit of sugar they will last longer as the bleach will kill the bacteria in the water and the sugar sustain the flower for a bit.