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Primarily the removal of carbon dioxide that is created as a by-product of anaerobic exercise that occurs alongside aerobic. Basically, when cardio or other exercises are performed the body is using all three systems at once while some are more dominant than others: aerobic, anaerobic, and anaerobic alactic. So your body is creating CO2 as a by-product of the creating of ATP through aerobic respiration and with anaerobic you are getting lactic acid, that requires buffering. So not only are you trying to get rid of the CO2 but you are trying to buffer the lactic acid that is accumulating.

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They need more oxygen for respiration to give the muscles enough energy to work.

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The respiratory system is working harder, the circulatory system is working harder, and the muscular system is working harder. All these systems need more oxygen as their workload increases.

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Q: Why is there more carbon dioxide in exhaled air during exercise?
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What is the gas produced by cells and exhaled lungs is called?

During respiration, Carbon Dioxide or CO2 is exhaled as a waste product.

Why do you produce more carbon dioxide after exercise?

It's not that you produce more carbon dioxide after exercise, it's just that you need more oxygen to make up for the energy you lost DURING the exercise. When you exercise, your body undergoes both aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. During anaerobic respiration, your body creates lactose, so after you exercise, the oxygen that you breathe in goes to turn the lactose ultimately into glucose.

How does carbon dioxide from a cell in your hand leave the body Please not too detailed thanks?

The carbon dioxide is dissolved in your blood. The blood travels round the body, to the lungs. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide are exchanged during breathing. The Carbon Dioxide is exhaled from the lungs, through the mouth.

What happened to the plasma levels of carbon dioxide during exercise why?

it increases

Why is the carbon dioxide produced in cells during exercise and What evidence supports this?

Because you take oxygen in and when it is used the cells carry the wastes (carbon dioxide)

What is formed during a waste product during respiration?

Main waste material is CO2.Lactate Ethanol are also waste products

What are two gases that enter and exit from the alveolus?

It is carbon dioxide which is collected from different organs of the body by blood

How does breathing in a bag helpful during hyperventilation?

Breathing into a bag during hyperventilation allows you to re-inhale carbon dioxide that you just exhaled, which helps to rebalance the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your bloodstream. This can help alleviate symptoms of hyperventilation, like lightheadedness and tingling in the extremities.

Waste products of respiration?

The products of aerobic respiration are CO2, H2O, and ATP. The CO2 is excreted when you exhale and the H2O (water) is removed through the excretory system. The ATP is a form of energy used by the body.

Is carbon dioxide a by-product of cellular respiration?

yes. NO. Glycolysis does not produce carbon dioxide. In aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide is produced in the citric acid (or Krebs cycle) which is a different step of the metabolic breakdown of glucose.

Is carbon dioxide a waste product?

Carbon dioxide is a waste product to humans and animals. Trees "breath" carbon dioxide and oxygen is their waste product (during daytime). Animals and humans breath oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. When our cells circulate, they go through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and collect oxygen. They then go back through the heart and out into the rest of our body. Cells bring oxygen to the parts of our body that need it. Their waste is carbon dioxide which is exhaled.

What happens to the levels of carbon dioxide and water during aerobic exercise compared to their levels when the performer is at rest?
