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1 divided by 7better yet look at this:







The question is: is there any other irrational number that the result of (1 to n-1)/n results in a series of n-1 repeating numbers in the exact same order for every possible fraction?

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Q: Why does the answer to 1 divided by 7 have only 6 recurring decimal places?
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Related questions

Is 8.3232323232 a reccuring decimal?

The question only shows ten places of decimals, then it stops. In the form given in the question it is not a recurring decimal. A recurring decimal continues infinitely. e.g. 1/3 rd expressed as a decimal has an answer of infinite length. Of course, if the question only shows part of the decimal value, and if that value actually extends infinitely, then it is a recurring decimal. Other examples of recurring decimals: 1/7, 1/13, etc. For more comprehensive information about recurring decimals, see 'Related Links' below the following advertisements.

What is the decimal of one thirth?

that would be 0.33 but it depends on the amount of decimal places you are using, the decimal of one third is infinite; never ends. for example 5 decimal places would be -> 0.33333The decimal form of one third is the decimal .3 repeating,so .333333.......1 third = 0.33333.... [repeating 3] To signal that this is recurring there is a dot on top of the last three. This signals that the decimal is recurring and goes on forever. Usually people only write the first three places in a recurring decimal due to that it goes on forever.1/3 is sorta messy as a decimal, as it translates into 0.33333 - and the threes just keep coming for as many as you care to use.

How can you identify recurring and non-recurring decimal number from rational form itself?

If the prime factorisation of the fraction's denominator consists only of the primes 2 and/or 5 it will be a non-recurring decimal; otherwise it will.

Why decimal is considered as rational number?

A decimal need not be a rational. A non-terminating, non recurring decimal is an irrational number. Only a terminating decimal or a recurring decimal is rational and that is because such a number can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

Is it possible to express every decimal as a fraction?

Not all decimals can be expressed as fractions. Only terminating and recurring decimals can be expressed as fractions. eg a recurring decimal: 0.3333333... = 1/3 A terminating decimal: 0.125 = 1/8 A decimal that does not recurr or terminate, cannot be expressed as a fraction. eg Pi = 3.141592654... Pi can not be expressed as a fraction as it does not recurr or terminate. It can only be approximated to a fraction. eg Pi ≈ 355/113 but is correct to 6 decimal places.

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Why recurring decimals are not put on labels?

It is easier for people with a basic level of mathematical skills to understand decimal numbers with only a few digits after the decimal point. Besides, few labels refer to things which are packaged with an accuracy of more than 2 places after the decimal point.

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How do you round 117.8 to 2 decimal places?

You can only round a number to 2 decimal places if it currently has more than 2 decimal places.

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Does the square root of 2 recur?

No. Only rational numbers have a recurring decimal; √2 is irrational.

How do you compare 12.782 and 12.78?

12.782 has three decimal places while 12.78 has two decimal places only.