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The protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus are much heavier than an electron. Protons and neutrons are almost the same weight as each other and are just over 1800 times as heavy as an electron. there are the same number of electrons as protons in a neutral atom and typically a number of neutrons as well, so the percentage by weight of electrons is very small.

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Q: Why does the number of electrons have little effect on overall mass of atom?
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Why does the number of electrons have little effect on the overal mass of an atom?

Electrons are very light. Protons are approx. 1800 X the mass (rest mass to be presice). Neutrons are about the same mass a protons. So the mass of all the electrons has little effect.

What is the overall charge of the oxygen atom?

The overall charge of any atom is 0. This is because the overall charge is number of protons - number of electrons. For every atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons so it is 0.

Why the overall charge of the oxygen atom is zero?

The overall charge of any atom is 0. This is because the overall charge is number of protons - number of electrons. For every atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons so it is 0.

How do you find the overall of an atom?

(Atomic number) - (Number of electrons present) = (overall electrical charge of atom)

In an atom with a neutral overall charge the number of protons is equal to the .?

Number of electrons.

The difference between an electrically neutral atom and an ion is that?

The difference is in the number of electrons they have. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons (or atomic number) for that element. In an ion, this is not the case, with either less electrons (an overall positive charge) or more electrons (an overall negative charge) than he neutral atom

The overall charge of an atom is equal to the total charges of the?

The overall charge is the amount of protons minus the number of electrons.

Atomic mass is number of protons added to the number of neutrons. Why is number of electrons not included in it?

Because electrons are very light particles and do not effect the mass, if proton and neutrons are elephant then electrons are ants , how ants effect the mass and weight of elephant ?

What is the overall charges of the atom?

It is nuetral due to equal number of protons and electrons

The overall charge of an atom is negative if the number of electrons is less than the number of protons?

No, the opposite is true.

If the number of protons equals the number of electrons the overall charge of the atom is?

zero .. such an atom is neutral. No net charge

Why doesnt An atom has no electrical charge?

because the number of protons (which have a positive charge of +1) and the number of electrons (which have a negative charge of -1) are the same. when number of protons = number of electrons, overall charge = 0