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because it does off., imagine eating frozen milk?

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Q: Why does the organic milk container state Do not freeze?
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Can you freeze organic milk?

Yes. Make sure that you leave some room in the jug or container for the milk to expand as it freezes. I recommend shaking it thoroughly after defrosting again.

How long can you freeze organic milk?

a few hours

Can you freeze chocolate milk in paper milk container?

No, you cannot freeze chocolate milk to make chocolate. The chocolate syrup and the milk are just being blended together and frozen into a block of chocolate milk. You can't derive the chocolate from the milk, either, so it is impossible.

Can you freeze cows milk?

Yes, you can freeze store bought milk. Make sure you open the milk and pour some out before freezing or the container may expand and break. If using a gallon jug, make sure the milk is thawed in the refrigerator for 24 hours and shaken well before use.

Is Skim Milk organic?

Only if the milk was organic before it was skimmed Who asks these if you have skim milk and it says organic then it is organic skim milk..???

Can you freeze camels milk?

yes you can freeze camels milk you can freeze any thing that is a liquid

Does cream freeze faster than milk?

No milk freeze faster

What are the prices of organic and non organic milk?

The price will vary depending on where you live and if you buy the milk directly from the farmer or at a grocery store. It also depends on the type of milk you are buying, whether that is cow's milk, goat's milk, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, etc. Organic milk is more expensive than non-organic milk because there are far fewer organic dairies and organic farms in general than there are non-organic ones. .

Does milk freeze at 0.53 and - 0.56 degrees Celsius?

No, milk will not freeze at 0.530c

Can you freeze sweetened condensed milk?

You can freeze sweetened condensed milk but it may separate. Most people need to freeze milk that they have already opened.

Why is organic milk good?

Organic Milk is good because it has natural vitamins & ingredients unlike the regular milk at the store that say '2% milk' or '1% milk'. The milk from the store is, nothing like Organic Milk. Store milk has preservatives & has many chemicals inside. I recommend Organic Milk.

What is the price of organic milk?

The price of organic milk varies. But the average is about $3.50 a quart.