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Could be water quality, temperature, or he could just be constipated. Could be close to death, you can still save him/her though.

good luck!

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Q: Why does your betta fish stay vertical?
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Related questions

What can be in a 1 gallon fish bowl?

A betta fish is the only fish that can stay in a bowl :) hope I helped :)

When do you start noticing a betta is pregnant?

a female Betta is always pregnant!! But u will start to notice vertical lines on its body like this!!!!!!!!!! not like this ---------. if they are horizontal then your fish is stressed out

Do goldfish can stay with other fish?

Yes they can but not betta fish.I (I hope this helps to all of you.)

Are Betta Fish omnivores?

No betta fish are carnivores.

What preys on betta fish?

other Betta fish and the bigger fish.

How many fish can a betta eat?

Betta fish do not eat fish.

Is yellow paint bad for betta fish to have in their tank?

I would definitely not do this. The chemicals from the paint can be extremely toxic to the fish and can possibly be fatal. If you want your betta to stay healthy, do not use paint in their tank!

What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

What is a betta?

A betta is a fish of the species Betta, especially Betta splendens, commonly known as the Siamese fighting fish.

Plakat betta fish mate with a short tail female betta?

no because male betta's are really aggressive to other betta's which plakats are male's. but female betta's can stay with other females. don't try to, one of your betta's are going to end up dead.

Can boy betta fish be with a boy betta fish?


Does Cuba have Betta fish?

Sure we have betta fish in cuba