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Because the human brain will try to make sense out of caos. Your mind will make a shape out of no shape to make sense out of nothing.

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Q: Why does your dogs foot look like a potato with eyes?
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Can potato bugs get small dogs sick?

Because small dogs like potatoes...

Why do some potatoes have more eyes than others?

Those are the structures in the potato where sprouts for a new potato plant will form.

Why do all dogs seem to have brown eyes?

I think it is like people. most of the human population have brown eyes. so why not dogs??

Are dogs eyes usually colored?

Dogs usaly have blue or brow eyes. Some have realy light-ish colored eyes when that are blind. Just like people.

Why do your dogs have dots around there eyes?

why are you asking if MY dogs have dots around their eyes(which they dont)?if you are talking about YOUR dogs then you might want to get that looked at because i dont think they should have dots around their eyes unless its just fur that looks like spots like dalmations have

Why do dogs appear to have glowing blue eyes in flash photographs and not red eyes like human?

because dogs see differently than humans

Why does your potato look like its sprouting popcorn?

Those are called the "eyes" of the potato and sprout when the potato isn't as fresh any longer; these are called seed potatoes. You can actually plant the potato "eyes" (or the whole potato) and they will grow more potatoes, but you have to do it at the right planting time for where you live. You can also sprout them in a glass of water indoors and they will grow long vines, much like a house plant. To do this, insert toothpicks around the center of the potato so they will hold the top half out of the water, otherwise the whole potato will rot.

What is the goo that comes out of your dogs eye?

its just a pile up of what they get in there eyes just like you and me get stuff in are eyes

What are the trees or grass called on top of potatoes?

That is kinnda a stupid question. Because there are no trees on top of a potato. Although there are root like things called the eyes of a potato.

How are dogs important?

well, dogs can be important for blind people, they can be like there eyes. Also they can be guard dogs. AND they can just be your close campanion! PEACE!

What color do dogs like?

Usually dogs like louder colors( Ex: red, green, ect.) because they are easier for thier eyes to detect.

How big is diggy simmons foot?

Look like an eleven he look like he have some monster dogs