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It is quite possible that the black spot is part of the fishes colouration. Goldfish often have many different colours in many different shapes and shades anywhere on their bodies or fins.

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Q: Why does your goldfish have a black spot on its head?
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Your goldfish has a huge puss spot on their head what is that?

The huge puss-spot is probably a tumor, this is found quite commonly in older goldfish.

Is it bad if your goldfish gets black on his head?


Could another goldfish in the same tank contract black spot?

I am unaware of "Black Spot" being a disease of fish. So I would say no.

What gender is a goldfish if it white with an orange spot on its head?

Actually, goldfish don't have a specific gender. They are born as females, but as they grow, they turn into males.

Is the male goldfish black?

No, only black goldfish are black.

What does a black head on your back look like?

It would look like a black spot on your back.

What would you call a black goldfish?

I would name my black goldfish Fin

How do you tell if a tick is with its head or if the tick head is still in a humane?

You can see a black spot in the center area of the bite.

Why is there a purple spot on the goldfish?

who knows. maybe it's sick.

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Do black Moore fish eat apples?

NO! Black Moors are goldfish they should be fed goldfish food.

Can you spot a spot when its just a pot?

yes you can but its not good to it will keep coming back oh and one i had a black head for ages it grew a layer of skin on it