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Mass measures the amount of matter in an object. So long as the object itself doesn't change, its mass doesn't change.

Weight measures the strength of gravitational attraction that one object experiences from another object. That's why you would weigh different amounts on the Earth, Moon, Jupiter, etc. Each exerts a different gravitational force on you, even though your body contains the same amount of matter.

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Q: Why does your mass always stay the same but your weight changes?
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What changes with location mass or weight?

weight.. Mass always stays the same

What is an incorrect term for the word mass?

Weight. This has something to do with change, like if you are in space, your weight changes and you float because there is no gravity, but your mass is always the same, no matter where you are.

What remains the same when gravity changes Weight or mass?

Mass will basically remain the same. As a reminder, weight = mass x gravity.

Is the mass of an object fixed?

Yes, the mass of an object is always the same irrespective of its position and configuration. only the weight of the bodt changes as per its position.

Which measurement your weight or mass would be the same when taken on Earth and on the Moon?

Your mass is never different no matter where you are. Mass is the amount of space you take up. Your weight is a different thing, and that changes with the amount of gravity. In outer space you are 'weightless' but not massless.

Does your weight stay the same no matter where you go like the moon?

no, your weight changes. your mass stays the same

What is your own mass on the moon and on the earth?

Your mass stays the same; It's your weight that changes.

How does the size and mass of the moon different from earth?

The mass on the moon and the earth is the same but the weight changes.

What is the relationship between wight and mass?

Weight changes based on were you are while mass doesn't. For example, if you are on the moon your weight is much less but your mass is the same.

Does the object on earth have the same mass as on the moon?

The most important thing is that mass is not the same as weight.Mass is the same everywhere in the universe; it refers to how much stuff a thing is made of.Weight is the measurement of gravity on an object. So when gravity changes, weight changes. However, mass will always stay the same.Weight will be less on the moon.Mass is the same no matter where the object is!

Is An object's weight is always the same as its mass?

It is possible for objects weight's to change, while its mass remains constant.

Between mass and weight the more fundamental quantity is?

Mass. Weight is different depending on gravity, but mass is always the same. On the Moon an astronaut weighs less, but has the same mass that they have on Earth.