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Surprisingly, it's not because of the acidity of the fruit. Fresh pineapple contains enzymes that are commonly extracted and used in meat tenderizers, and the effect of the enzyme on your tongue causes the prickling.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Pineapples contain a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, which helps break down foods and is even used as a meat tenderizer. As a matter of fact, it is rumored that people who pick pineapples often lose their fingerprints after a few years as the chemical eats away at the skin. In any event, this sensation -- which some compare to touching a 9-volt battery to your tongue -- is generally due to this enzyme. It has no long-term effects as the mouth's cells reproduce very quickly.

Trivia fact: you can't make pineapple jelly as the bromelain doesn't permit the sugars to set.

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12y ago

pineapples do not burn your tongue so you may have mild allergy to them then MILD Allergies are minor annoyances that come with eating food,contact with cats dogs etc. but don't do any real damage... so you should be able to eat pineapples safely BUT id go see the doc to make shure its ok

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14y ago

It can be because kiwi is slightly acidic, and can hurt the toungue (like other acidic fruits, like apples, lemons, Oranges, limes, or grapefruits), or it can be due to an allergy.

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15y ago

They don't make my tongue hurt... Maybe yours is just sensitive or maybe you're allergic???

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12y ago

I don't believe that a tongue would normally itch after eating pineapple. its possible your allergic

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11y ago

because of all the acid in it. it wont harm you though.

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13y ago

because of the muscles in your tongue

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15y ago

Your taste buds

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