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Because God gives us the choice to believe in him and doesnt want to just have all of us praise him because we have to but because we want too.

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Q: Why doesn't everyone believe in one God?
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The one who doesn't believe god?

someone who doesnt believe theres a God is called and Athiest

Does everyone believe in God?

No, everyone does not believe in God. There are those that believe there is no God or gods, those that believe there is a possibility that God or gods may exist but haven't committed themselves to full on believing, and those that believe not only in one God, but many.

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It depends one what you believe about God, but the description of God given by most religions is that God created everyone and loves and accepts everyone for who they are.

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Hindus believe in the existence of ONE God. They also believe in the different manifestations of the same God. Which would mean that they believe, the rain, the sun, the river etc are manifestations of the same God.

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Everyone has different religious opinions. Some think there is a God of laws, and others do not believe in such things. If you believe there is one, make the god of laws who you want him to be.

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everyone one has faith like Christians have faith in god and they believe in jesus

Why doesn't God love me?

Do you love God? Maybe you are not atuned to his Love. A: God loves everyone... from the richest to the poorest, from the biggest animal to the most microscopic bug, dont ever think for one moment that God doesnt love you <3 :)

What god did Sikhs believe in?

They believe in one God.

Does Marilyn Manson believe in god?

No,he actually mocks Satan most of the time he is aitheist That is true how ever he is not an athiest he is an agnostic which means he believes there is a higher power he just doesnt know which one he wants to worship.

What do you call a person that doesnt believe in god or isn't an atheist?

From what I understand, an agnostic doesn't necessarily believe there is or is not a God. There are probably other names too, but in a general, a theist believes in a God- and that includes a monotheist: belief in ONE God, and a polytheist: belief in many gods, an agnostic doesn't believe nor choose to not believe in a God, and an athiest believes there is no God or gods.

Did the Hindu believe in one God?

Hindus believe in One Supreme god (Brahman) and many manifestations of the one supreme god.

Why can't everyone in the world believe in the one and only God?

because we have so many unanswered questions relating to ourselves why do we worry about god...when we have not even understood ourselves yet people find it hard to even believe themselves sometimes once we fully believe in ourself then we will know how to fully believe in others god is just waiting for us to believe it