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Altitude doesn't change uniformly because the four main layers of the atmosphere have different temperature gradients, creating the thermal structure of the atmosphere.

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Q: Why doesnt air temperature change uniformly with altitude?
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Why doesnt air temperature increase or decrease with altitude?

It does.It is a slightly complicated relationship, but temperature does change dependent upon altitude until the very final part of the Earth's atmosphere.Just consider that, for example, the tops of mountains are covered in snow. This is due to the air temperature being less than it is at ground level.

How does altitude mimic latitude in climate?

it doesnt

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At the boiling point the temperature remain unchanged.

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No, that's not true.

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Wrong altitude and longitude.

What are the effects of temperature on the rebound of a tennis ball?

its is the air inside the tennis ball that you should be concerned with. Cold air is compressed and gives the ball less bounce, hot air is less dense and pushes on the sides of the tennis ball from the inside. Another important factor is altitude. altitude changes the amount of oxygen in the air. this doesnt change rebound it causes the ball to travel further in air.

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rain doesnt actualy change the temperature although it may feel like it

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The thermal energy required to change state is taken from the environment; which in this case is the melt water.

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The most important temperature, the second is light intensity

Do crocodile's body temperature changes as per the change in temperature of air?

No, they are cold blooded animals and weather doesnt affect them. Unlike us, we are warm blooded. Hope this helps you(:

What does water have to do with air temperature?

it doesnt

How do the Earths physical processes change and renew the physical features of your planet?

it doesnt it doesnt it doesnt it doesnt it doesnt