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Mrs. Maudie was very happy that her house was burnt down, but many people

would be very said. And Mrs. Maudie even said that she thought of burning the

house down plenty of time before too

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1mo ago

Scout refers to Miss Maudie as a "chameleon lady" because she observes that Miss Maudie is adaptable and able to blend in with different social situations. Like a chameleon changes color to blend into its surroundings, Miss Maudie is versatile and can interact with different people in Maycomb.

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12y ago

the definition of "chameleon" - one who remains inconsistent.

Miss Maudie can go from working in her flower beds in an old straw hat and men's coveralls, but after 5 o'clock she would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty.

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13y ago

She doesn't understand because she thinks the analogy is about her father drinking and she thinks her father has never drunk before.

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Women's role in To Kill a Mockingbird?

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