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It is because of a lack of free electrons in wax, which contains virtually none. In water there are some, in liquid Mercury there are many, in most metals the free electron availability is almost infinite.

See related link on Electrical Resistivity for more.

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Q: Why doesnt candle wax conduct electricity?
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Why is candle wax not conductive?

Candle wax consists of long chain hydrocarbons these are all covalent compunds there are no free electrons to conduct electricity or heat

Is candle wax a good conductor of electricity?

Wax itself does not condcut electricity, however the oil's of the wax does conduct electricity. The liquid from the wax will conduct electricity due to Ion conductivity in fluids.

Is Candle wax a conductor of electricity?

No, candle wax would be considered an insulator.

How does voltage come from a candle?

It don't, there is no electricity in a wax candle.

Why doesn't sugar and wax conduct electricity?

because wax does not have free electrons hence can not conduct electricity in solid state

Why melted wax don't conduct electricity?

Wax is non-polar covalent because it is balanced in charge and it does not conduct electricity.

Does candle wax conduct heat?

If one end of a candle is very hot, with the other end feel hot? That is your answer.

Does a wax candle conduct heat well?

If one end of a candle is very hot, with the other end feel hot? That is your answer.

Is wax candle good conductor electricity?

No. It is a poor conductor of electricity. It is similar to the conducting properties of plastic.

How candle makes electricity?

Candles don't make electricity, but they make liquid wax and carbon dioxide from the flame.

What liquids do conduct electricity?

While there are many liquids that are known to conduct electricity, there are several that do not. These liquids that don't conduct electricity include milk, lava in its molten state, melting wax, and soda pop.

Is candle wax a conductor?

The candle wax is an insulator.