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By definition, all human cells are animal cells. Different cells look different from others, no matter the organism. A human nerve looks almost identical to a nerve from a chimp, but a human nerve looks nothing like a cell from a chimp's muscles.

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Q: Why don't all plant cells look the same?
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If the animal cell had chloroplast it would still have it same color?

no animal cells dont have chloroplast, chloroplast is only in plant cells and turns the color of the plant green.

Are all cells within the same plant the same?

No not all cells within the plant are the same. The reason is because not all cells in a leaf are the same

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A nucleus is found in a plant and animal cell - (check the labelled diagrams of a plant cell and an animal cell to see what is the same and what isn't.)

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you will never know its so hard to look them up you find it will be hard

Are all plants cells are same?

Not all plant cells are the same!

How do animal cells look like?

A cell of a dog is an animal cell, and animal cells are microscopic. Animal cells don't have a cell wall or chloroplasts. Plant cells do. Plant cells and animal cells both have a cell membrane, mitchondria, vacuoles, nucleus, and cytoplasm. Animal cells are disformed or roundish and plant cells are square and boxlike.

Do plant and animal cells have the same parts?

Plants and animals have the same cell structure except plants have chloroplast. Chloroplast causes plant's green coloring. It is the part of the plant that does photosynthesis and makes the plant green.

Do plant cells specialize in the same way animal cells do?

Plant cells do specialize but not in the same way as animal cells. Animal cells have specialized cells such as nerve cells, reproductive cells or muscle cells etc. Plant cells do not have any of those. But Plant cells have other specialized cells such as photosynthesis cells, epidermal cells etc. Both Animal and Plant cells have specialized cells that perform a specific function to keep the cell/organism alive.

How many chromosomes are there in the nucleus of a root cell?

There will be the same number of chromosomes as in any other cell of the plant, aside from the reproductive cells.

Why don't plant cells have Iysosomes?

because they dont need them yeast and plants have a different system called lytic vacuoles witch have the same function as iysosmes

Plant cells are totipotent which means?

plant donor cells have the ability to regenerate a complete new plant from one single cell (irrespective of what type of cell is used); this is not the same as in animal cells where only cells of the same type (tissue) can be cultured from a donor cell

Do cells have the same?

No, all cells have different shapes. The blood cells and skin cells are definitely different! Also, plant and animal cells are different: plant cells are box-like shaped.