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When you get blood drawn for tests, the laboratory is checking the blood for the specific chemicals or cells that your condition requires. Checking blood type is a separate test, and isn't usually needed unless you're pregnant or planning surgery.

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Q: Why don't they tell you your blood type if they have drawn blood for tests?
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No, HIV is not checked in routine blood tests. The test must be specifically ordered.

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It is possible to tell if someone is sexually active from a blood test. This will be done in addition to other clinical tests so as to be certain.

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This is a group of blood tests which all analyze liver function and tell how well your liver is doing its job. These tests usually include tests for bilirubin levels, and several liver enzymes.

How do I find out what type blood I have?

You can go to your family doctor and he can give you a blood test to determine your blood type. There are also at home tests you can buy. And if you go to donate blood they will tell you your blood type.

Can you tell the Oxycontin levels present in a drug blood test?

yes. labritory tests are very prescise.

What if you are pregnant and had your period and you take 5 pregnancy tests where all negative?

You need to see a doctor. It is possible that you have miscarried, but only scans and blood tests will tell for sure.

Can a blood test tell you if your pregnant after an abnormal period straight away?

Both urine and blood pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy about 10 days after conception.