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Frogs don't need have their offspring develop inside them. So if you were to dissect a frog you would not find the uterus because frogs release sperm and eggs to develop outside the body. Technically, the uterus is the outer shell of the egg...

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What is the function of the uterus in a frog?

To make baby frogs

What is the function of a frogs uterus?

I think it is to protect the baby frog

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no they dont. frogs dont have hair

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i dont think that can happen...

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I dont think so.

Can poison dart frogs stick to walls?

no these frogs cant stick on walls dont be stupid

Why does frogs live on lands?

Frogs dont always just live on land, some live on land and in water because frogs need water to keep their skin moist so they dont dry out.Hope i helped:)