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Asian elephants are smaller in size and are made more for bush-lands whereas the African elephants are large. Also most Asian elephants have been trained or used for some sort of domestic use with not many left in the wild.

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Q: Why elephants in Asia are different from the elephants in Africa?
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Where do most elephants come from?

The elephant is fromtwo countries, AFRICA and ASIA. The different is that African elephants are a big larger and their skull is shaped somewhat different. Some people say African elephants ears are shaped like Africa, and Asian elephants ears are shaped like Asia.

What is found on only one continent?

Elephants are found on only Africa and Asia

What country does not have elephants?

Two Countries, Africa and Asia. The difference is that African elephants are a bit larger and their skull is shaped somewhat different. Some people say African elephants ears are shaped like Africa, and Asian elephants ears are shaped like Asia!! :) those are contanents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *I don't know who posted before but Africa and Asia are not countries...They are Continents

Where would you find elephants?

You can find elephants in Africa and in India.

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NO! Elephants only live in Africa and Asia.

What country do elephants live in?

India No its Botswana in Africa.. it has over 100 000 elephants, India has less than 30 000

Why do elephants shape the planet?

africa asia

Where does the majority of elephants live?

Africa and Asia.

Where the elephants are found?

Asia and Africa mostly

Do you have maps of where elephants live?

Elephants live in Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.

What is an elephants habatit?

Asia and Africa or if your counting zoo's everywhere

Do elephants and lions live in Africa?

Yes elephant and lions live in africa because there is an african elephant.Yes, lions live in the Savannah, tall grass areas which is also in Africa. Lions can live in different tall grass areas too, but they do live in Africa.African Elephants live in Africa, but Asian Elephants live in Asia. Elephants can live in different Savannah areas too, but mainly yes in Africa