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Because the atmospheric CO2 concentration is part of the "Carbon Cycle" and biological and geological processes therefore affect it.

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Q: Why has the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air changed?
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Why is carbon dioxide released into the lungs?

Since the concentration of carbon dioxide is more in the blood vessels it simply diffuses towards the air in the lungs which has lesser concentration of it.

Why do biofuels not contribute to global warming even though burning biofuels releases carbon dioxide?

Biofuels are part of the natural carbon cycle, in which plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and this becomes carbon which is eventually returned to the air when vegetation rots or is burnt, or when animals eat it and respire carbon dioxide back into the air. Thus, although burning of wood and biofuels does release carbon dioxide back into the air, this process does not add to the long term concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. When we create carbon dioxide from carbon that has been sequestered underground, we add new carbon dioxide to the air, increasing its concentration and causing global warming.

Why exhaling carbon dioxide can not put out a fire?

When you exhale, you are not exhaling carbon dioxide. You are exhaling air with a slightly higher-than-normal concentration of carbon dioxide and a slightly lower-than-normal concentration of oxygen. Carbon dioxide extinguishes fire by forcing oxygen away from the fuel, but the air you exhale still has more than enough oxygen to support combustion.

Does the exchange of carbon dioxide depend on the concentration of oxygen in the alveoli and the blood?

No. It depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the alveoli and the blood. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the alveoli is higher than the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, so carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the alveoli diffuses out of the capillaries into the alveoli of the lungs and is exhaled.

Does carbon dioxide dissolve into air?

Carbon dioxide IS air

What is the total amount of Carbon Dioxide in the air now?

This highly dependent on location. However the average sea level Carbon Dioxide ( CO2) concentration is 0.0314 % (314 ppm)

Does the nose release carbon dioxide when it breathes out?

Exhaled breath has a higher concentration of carbon dioxide than inhaled air has. This is true whether you breathe through the nose or the mouth.

Why is the amount of carbon dioxide highest during midnight and lowest at 12 noon?

Actually carbon dioxide concentration increases at midnight and decreases at dawn At night the concentration is higher because plants take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide at night so the concentration is higher. At dawn the concentration is lower because, plants breathe in oxygen at daytime and breathe out CO2 so the concentration is lower.

Differences between soil air and atmospheric air?

Soil air has a higher concentration of Carbon Dioxide; plants feed on this and convert it into Oxygen during Osmosis, which is why there is a higher concentration of Oxygen in the atmosphere.

How is the air you breathe in and the air you breathe out different?

The air you breathe out has different amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and a few other substances in it than the air you breathed in. Your lungs absorb a lot of the oxygen, for example, which is then carried by red blood cells to your heart and muscles. Your body also produces carbon dioxide as a kind of waste product which is in the air you breathe out. So the air you breathe out has less oxygen but more carbon dioxide than the air you breathed in did. There are also other smaller changes that you could look up.

What name the process by which carbon dioxide moves from blood to air?

Simple diffusion: movent from a high concentration to a low.

Why the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen remains constant in the atmosphere?

the concentration and of carbon dioxide and oxygen remains constant in the atmosphere because when human throw carbon dioxide out of their body so plants take it and when plants throw oxygen so human take it.