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People in power (government officials) have always associated (blamed) all the bad things that happen in the United States to minorities and immigrants. When the United States was in war with Germany, German immigrants were segregated and treated like criminals. When the United States was about to go to war with Japan, Japanese immigrants (and American born) were put in concentration camps and treated like criminals. When the Great Depression hit America, anti-immigrants blamed it on immigrants and said that they were taking all of our jobs, which they were not.

Now, for today's anti-imigration views. America hasn't change a single bit in the past 200 years, today there are people that still believe that immigrants (usually thought of as only "Mexicans") are taking our jobs, which is not true just like it wasn't true in the past 200 years. Mexicans are the most segregated immigrant (and American born) people in the United States due to many reasons. People are afraid of today's immigrants because they believe they are associated with the drug cartels and gangs, which is not true at all, although there are a few that do come for those reasons it's not a good enough reason to treat all Mexicans like criminals. With high unemployment our politicians are using the same scare tactic they have used for hundreds of years: "they are taking our jobs".

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they are afraid they will do to us what we did to the american indians, the REAL americans

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Q: Why have Americans throughout history and currently seen immigrants in a negative light?
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