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well xomme quurlx perioddx xmmell baadd anndd xomme quurlx perioddx donnt xmmell likke nuuthhanqq ..... itx caauuxe wenn chhuu wear ahhh padd daaahh bloodd xtaayx der for ahhh whhile anndd it xtartx too xtinnkk

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12y ago
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9y ago

There can be several reason that there is a rotten smell during your period. Foul odor during menstruation can be due to a trichomonal infection, vaginitis, monilial infection and more. A physician can help to diagnose the exact cause of the smell.

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8y ago

Two things come to mind, both are notable for a smell. One is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is treated with an antibiotic or fuyan pill. If you have it, the doctor will be able to tell by doing a swab test, and I recommend the woman's sexual partner take the same kind of antibiotics at the same time. BV has as a hallmark, a bad smell especially after the period.

The other option would be a forgotten tampon. Women who have had one say it smells like rotten meat. The doctor will tell you if he or she finds one.

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9y ago

If your vagina smells bad it's a sign of a problem with hygiene or infection.

During menstruation menstrual flow changes the vaginal pH (normally acidic to kill 'bad' bacteria and help 'good' bacteria thrive) which can cause odour but it shouldn't smell bad, it can also put you at higher risk of vaginal infections during menstruation. What menstrual products you use is the biggest factor: tampons keep blood in contact with the vagina to impact on vaginal pH and they also give bacteria the perfect place to multiply, and commercial pads prevent air-flow so make you sweaty while also preventing blood from drying so create the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive, commercial tampons and pads also contain chemicals that can cause bad odour.

Try hygienic menstrual products like menstrual cups, softcups, organic pads, or cloth pads - when using pads be sure to change every 4-6 hours. Stay clean but like any other time don't use soap to wash your vulva as this will cause issues with vaginal pH so add to the problem.

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7y ago

The vagina is naturally acidic in pH, this helps maintain healthy vaginal flora - the acidic pH kills harmful bacteria that may cause bad odor - whereas during menstruation the blood changes the vaginal pH so that it's less acidic, thus more favourable to harmful bacteria.

What menstrual products are used makes a far greater impact on odor during menstruation. Tampons keep blood in contact with the vagina so further impact pH, give bacteria the perfect place to multiply within the vagina, and prevent vaginal cleaning. Commercial pads prevent blood from drying and cause sweating by preventing air-flow to the genitals, also chemicals in the pads can interact with bodily fluids. Smell can be reduced by changing often and using more hygienic menstrual products such as softcups, menstrual cups, cloth pads, and period underwear.

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13y ago

The inside of your bodies don't always smell as good as the outside. What comes out is old blood, new blood, discharge and the lining of the uterus that is changing.

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14y ago

periods doesn't always smell bad.. perhaps it's your perception!

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