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That is not true; it is a myth.

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Q: Why if you touch a birds nest the mother wont come back?
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If a human touches a baby birds nest will the parents come back to care for them?

Almost certainly, yes, but please DO NOT touch birds' nests.

What happens if you touch a dove egg and put it back in the nest?

the mother bird will not come back to the nest, and will just leave the egg there.

What happens when you touch a bird nest?

If you touch a birds nest then they will not go in or touch it they would leave it alone because they made the nest and placed it in a spot and want it like that. They do not wont you to move anything they did.Answer 2:Actually the above answer has it quite wrong. If you handled the nest quite a bit the parents certainly won't come back to it again, but simply touching it won't deter them from coming back again! It's just like the myth about a baby bird. If you handle it a lot most certainly the parents won't take it in because it's got human scent all over it. If you handle it with gloves or only merely touch it, the parents of that chick will still come back to it.

Can you touch an duck egg and the mom will come back?

no you can not touch an duck egg and the mom will come back because the mom will get jealous and kill there babies so dont touch a duck egg

When a person touchs a baby bird egg will mom bird come back?

yes the mother bird will come back. birds do not act as other animals such as deer. in this case the mother may not come back because she is conditioned to be afraid of humans and there smell. birds on the other hand act mostly on what they see. if mother bird never saw you she wouldn't know her eggs were touched. even if she did see that she more than likely would try to defend the nest. in the wild research biologist also go to various bird species nesting places to try and calculate population etc. and this has no effect on a mother bird returning to her nest.

What should you do if the mother bird doesn't come back to her nest?

If the mother dove does not return to the nest then the eggs will cool down. The Dove Eggs and baby birds need the mother doves heat to survive. If she does not return then the babies will die.

Do feral cats specifically moms with kittens come back to a lair they were scared away from?

It is possible. If a mother feels that her kittens are in danger, she will often come back to carry them away, to a new location. Be sure not to touch/handle the kittens, as this may encourage the mother to abandon them, or even kill them, if she doesn't wish for them to fall prey to a predator.

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Do the elric brothers mother come back to life?

The Elrich brother's mother does come back to life as a homunculus

Can you move a robins nest with babies in it?

Nothing will happen. Trust me. When people say that if you touch a nest full of baby birds the mother will abandon it, its not true. Some people believe that or parents just say that to little kids to keep them from touching it. Mother birds will NOT abandon their young if you touch or even handle the chick. I know first hand because as a teen I wanted to become a vet and I hatched a robin egg. Once it hatched I put it back into its mothers nest. I watched the nest and she always came back. Even if I came close or even touched to check the chick I hatched. It eventually grew up and flew away. So, don't believe it if you touch baby birds that the mother will abandon it. Its NOT true!

What if the mother bird leaves its babies?

It depends on the length of time. The duck will leave from time to time to feed or to continue mating (a mallard can hatch ten or more ducklings at a time). Before she vacates the nest, she will cover them heavily with feathers to provide insulation to keep the eggs warm and to keep them camoflaged from view until her return. Once she starts sitting, if she vacates the nest without covering the eggs, it most likely means she was scared off the nest by a predator, in which case she will need to return soon or lose her brood.

Did you come back from work?

If we are student,we have to come back our mother"s warmness heart. by