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Q: Why is America's ballot called the Australian Ballot?
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What is an austrailan ballot?

Australian ballot,also called secret ballot, the system of voting in which voters mark their choices in privacy on uniform ballots printed and distributed by the government or designate their choices by some other secret means.

What is the basic form of the ballot in all 50 states called today?

the Australian

On What ballot only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot?

The ballot with only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears is called The Short Ballot.

The phenomenon in which fewer votes are cast for offices farther down the ballot is called?

When fewer votes are cast farther down a ballot it is known as ballot fatigue. This happens mainly when the ballots are complex, and the higher-ranking offices are located at the top of the ballot.

What is it called when votes of individual voters?

The individual vote is called a ballot. When a person votes it is called casting a ballot.

What is a ballot that lists candidates according to the office they are seeking?

It is called an office block ballot.

What phenomenon in which fewer votes are cast for offices further down the ballot is called?

Ballot Fatigue

What is the name for name for a ballot question that asks voters if the state constitution should be changed?

A change to a constitution is called an "amendment."A ballot vote on a prospective law is called a referendum.

What is a document listing the alternatives that is used in voting called?

A document listing the alternatives that is used in voting is called a ballot. A voter uses one ballot and should not share it with anyone. It is called ballot paper in British English.

What is used to vote what is it called?


When a person votes in an election using a ballot obtained from his county election officer either in person beforehand or by mail it is called what?

When a person votes in an election using a ballot obtained from his county election officer either in person beforehand or by mail what is it called voting by absentee ballot.

What is it called when you vote for officials from both parties on your ballot?

Voting from different parties on the same ballot is popularly known as a split ticket.