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I wouldn't say Easter day is the most significant, but it IS a pretty important and cool day. Three days before Easter is "Good Friday", why so good you ask? Simple, Jesus Christ the Nazareth died for you, me, and every one else. Easter Sunday is the day that he ressurected him self from the dead fulfilling his promise that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days.

The most significant feast day is Pentecost as it is the birthday of the Church. It is followed by Easter and Christmas.

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Because they believe at this time Jesus was crucified, and returned

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It is the most important festival because it is the day in which Jesus rose from the dead.

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On Easter, Christians commemorate the most important event in the history of mankind: Jesus' victory over death.

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Q: Why is Easter Sunday the most important in the Christian Calendar?
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Easter Sunday is calculated by determing the first Sunday after the full moon after the Spring Equinox. Therefore, Easter Sunday falls on the first Sunday, following the full moon after March 21st. Easter Sunday in 2008 was March 23rd, as the full moon fell on the Equinox that year.

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