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because Vietnam used to be in the french colony

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France started by sending missionaries to Vietnam and in 1887, France made Indochina a French colony. Vietnam declared independence in 1954.

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Q: How did Vietnam become French speaking?
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How and when did Vietnam become French speaking?

Colonization in the nineteenth century answers the "how" and "when" of Vietnam becoming French-speaking. The French arrived in southern Vietnam because of the counter-weights to British presence in East, South, and Southeast Asia and the earnings which could be had from plantation economies. The colonialists simultaneously established a countrywide system of educational and governmental facilities which quickly turned the Vietnamese peoples into bilingual speakers of French and Vietnamese.

What year did England become a french speaking country?

England isn't a french speaking country...

What is an Asian French speaking country?

Vietnam. Because of French colonial rule, lots of people in Vietnam, particularly older people, speak French as a second language. It is a Francophone county.

What are the French speaking countries outside of Europe and Africa?

Outside of Europe and Africa, the French-speaking countries are Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, French Guyana, and Canada (though mostly in Quebec).

How did Louisiana become french speaking?

Louisiana was once a French colony.

What are 4 french speaking countries on Asia?

The four former French colonies in Asia are Cambodia, Laos, Pondicherry [in India], and Vietnam.

How did the country Egypt become french speaking?

Some Egyptians speak French. Napoleon invaded Egypt and French was also the language of diplomacy. However, Egypt is an Arab speaking country, not a French speaking country.

When did Cambodia become a french speaking country?

Cambodia became a French-speaking country when France colonized it in 1863 and imposed the French language on the Cambodian people.

What are eight french speaking countries?

France, Belgium, Switzerland, Algeria, Senegal, Madagascar, Canada, and Vietnam

Why was french spoken in Vietnam?

Vietnam was formerly French Indochina, a French colony.

What is Vietnam in french?


What are the non french speaking African countries?

Quebec in Canada, some islands in the Carribeans (Haiti), France and French Guyana, Monaco, Belgium, Switzerland, Andorra, Polynesia Then you have a lots of countries with a French-speaking minority like Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Louisiana in the United States, etc...